Chapter 16

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[Image] : Urm.. 😂


Harry's PoV

I think I have a crush on Louis Tomlinson...

Is it bad?

Is it bad that I fell for my friend who doesn't even have the same feelings towards me?

And he just existed in my life 5 days ago?

And he's 2 years older than me?

And he's a boy?

Oh my god... Does that mean I'm gay?

Should I tell the others?

Most importantly..should I tell him?


We reached the second floor and Louis stopped in his tracks,my hand still in his. I looked at him and he looked at me.

"Well,3 doors in view. Which one is ours?"

I bit my lower lip at hearing 'ours'. Why doesn't it sound so...the other way around?

"Uh..the one at the end."

He nodded and continued pulling me,heading to 'our' room. I squirmed a bit,trying to slip my hand out of his unnoticeable but his grip was firm and there's no way I can do it without him noticing.

My hand felt so hot in his and not because he's holding it tight but because of the embarrassment I'm feeling now. I like him and I can't tell him. He twisted the doorknob and opened the door,leading me in like how my mum sent me to my room when I was little.

"It's quite nice." Louis commented,finally letting go of my hand and closing the door behind us.

He dropped his bag near the closet and took off his cap,placing it on the table. He huffed and ran his fingers through his hair,taking in the view of this room.

"This room doesn't come with a bathroom?" He asked.

I put my bag near the bed and throw myself on it,not caring to take any clothes off since Louis is here. I'm not taking off any single piece of fabric on me if he's here.

"Nope." I muffled,face drowned in the soft comforter. I always loved this soft material.

"So,I gotta take my shower downstairs?"

"No. There's a bathroom on this floor. I'll - " I yawned. " - show you later."

I just closed my eyes when I heard him chuckled. My eyes opened back to look at him,who was taking out his hoodie. He laid it on his bag and proceeded to unbutton his jeans. I quickly covered my eyes with my right hand,sitting up on the bed.

"Louis!" I half shouted.

"What are you doing,Haz?"

"What are YOU doing?!"

I heard the sound of his jeans dropping on the floor.

"I can't sleep in this,Haz. I can't breath in it."

"Then why do you wear it?"

"Obviously to look good."

It was silent for minute,making me wonder if he's still in this room. I listened for any small sound but none could be heard. Then,I felt the bed sunk lower,like someone was sitting on it or getting on it. I squeezed my eyes tighter even though they're covered with my hand.

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