Chapter 32

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Third person's PoV

"So,I'm going to leave the roommate thing to Louis. We have two empty rooms,one upstairs beside Louis' and one other is near the kitchen. Goodnight,boys." Jay announced just after they cleaned the snacks and drinks in the living room.

"Goodnight,Jay." They said in unison.

Jay smiled tiredly and walked upstairs to her room,yawning out loud. The boys looked at Louis sleepily,waiting for what Louis have to say. Louis scrunched his eyebrows.

"What? You actually think I'm going to decide who you want to sleep with?" Louis questioned.

"It's your house,so.." Zayn yawned,covering his mouth. "But if you're letting us pick,just gonna let you know I want Liam with me."

"Yeah,okay. So,like my mum said there's one room downstairs near the kitchen and one upstairs beside mine. Who's in which now?" Louis asked,picking up the boys' bag and handing to them,one by one.

"Downstairs' mine!" Niall called out.

"Because it's near the freakin' kitchen, isn't it? You're so typical." Zayn said,taking his bag from Louis,shaking his head.

"If you must know,I like it better when food is near me. I can definitely sleep soundly just thinking about it."

"What the hell is that supposed to even mean?" Zayn snapped.

"You're so weird." Liam said.

"Well,fuck off then. You two take the room upstairs if you're not comfortable with me! I still have - "

"Louis,my bag!" Harry interrupted.


"Hand it to me!" Harry tried to grab it but Louis won't hand them over to him.

"I'm afraid I can't,love." Louis sighed.

"Why the hell not?"

"I want you to sleep with me. My house,my rule,my order." He sassily stated,smirking.

"You're so mean. I'm telling your mum." Harry crossed his arms together angrily.

"Yeah,sure.Go ahead. She's not going to help you but instead,she'll push you into my bedroom which will make the job a lot easier. Trust me,I know my mum."

"Well,looks like I'm alone.." Niall said. "Which is even better! The bed is all mine!"

Harry glared at Niall and giving him the eye signal,telling Niall to help him. He doesn't want to share a room with Louis. It's obviously not going to make everything better. He's going to fall asleep beside Louis and wake up also beside Louis! How will he stay mad at him then? It's such a heavenly sight of course,waking up to Louis' angel-like face and imagine his morning voice. It must be deeper and more manly and much much more hotter. That is why Harry can't have it. But everyone seemed to just agree at it and he was left with no choice but to stay in a room with Louis.

They walked upstairs past Jay's room and into Louis'. Harry wasted no time in observing his crush's room just as soon as he stepped in. It was nothing special,really. The walls were of yellowish blue wallpaper and there was some band posters hanging nicely on the wall. One of the posters that Harry saw is not a band's poster but a movie's,which was Toy Story. The bed wasn't made and the sheets were tangled messily amongst the pillows and he shook his head at the mess. He'll never leave his room until the bed's made,at least. Louis put Harry's bag down on his desk and caught Harry shaking his head.

"What?" He asked.

"You didn't make your bed after you sleep." Harry stated the fact,pointing a finger at Louis' bed.

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