Chapter 24

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Hey hey hey !

So next week is a school holiday at my place which means.......... *drum rolls*



Third person's PoV


(Niall's plan:Make Louis jealous)

"Yeah and how is it possible to make him jealous if he didn't have any feelings towards me?"

Harry sipped his cappuccino while eyeing Eleanor who's watching them. Harry and Cara were having their late lunches at Breadough the place where Eleanor works. Sitting at the far end table near the window,Harry used the opportunity to watch Eleanor who's watching them from the corner of her eyes while she serve drinks around to the customers.

Whenever her eyes caught Harry's,she'll smile kindly and Harry will return it. Why were they here when there's other café's they can stop at? Harry have no idea. Harry did told Cara about Eleanor before they came here so now they're communicating silently.

"Harry,everytime you asked me why I felt like you don't trust me and you're not doing it willingly. Do you even like Lo-"

Harry kicked her leg under the table before she can finish pronouncing his name.

"Do you even like me enough to trust me?" Cara replaced her previous question with a new one so that Eleanor doesn't feel like something's awkward there.

"Yes Cara,I like you enough to trust you - " He lowered his voice. " - but this is ridiculous."

"Don't even dream to abort this plan until you tell me a better one."

Harry pouted and stirred his drink with his straw. Cara shook her head at him and took a bite of her blueberry muffin,humming in delight. She was about to take another bite of it when the entrance door opened and two familiar lads came in.

"Plan starts now." She whispered.

Harry raised his eyes to Cara and turned to see what or who's Cara looking at and he was surprised to see it was Niall and Louis. Harry quickly turned back around and whispered harshly.

"Why the fuck is he here? What did you and Niall planned? Cara,he'll think we're dating!"



"Just smile and act like we're having a good time." Cara ordered.

Harry exhaled slowly and smiled,pretending to look at Cara fondly as she ate her muffin.

Suddenly,out of her expectations Harry's thumb was on her upper lip as he gently brushed away the bits of her muffin. She looked at Harry and he winked,telling her its an act.

"You eat like a kid." Harry said,loud this time.

Cara playfully swatted his hand away. "I'm aware that im cute. Adorable even but please - " she pushed her hair behind her shoulder dramatically. "- I'm a model."

"Oh,shut up."

"Hey!" Niall suddenly greeted them with Louis standing beside him,a hand in his pocket.

Cara smiled at Niall,responding with a Hi back. Harry's looking everywhere but not at Louis but eventually,his eyes stopped at Louis'.

"Hey,Harry." Louis greeted. "Are we disturbing something?"

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