Chapter 15

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[Image] : I think Harry wanted to kiss him that very moment *screams in pillow*


Harry's PoV

Thursday and Friday moved fast just like the normal days.The teachers certainly enjoyed loading us with bags of works to finish at home and some of them won't check if our works are completed so it doesn't worry me much when I don't get them done.

Other than that,school was fun especially when a certain someone is around. He's really entertaining at most times and when that lips of his make any sassy remarks I can't help but like him even more. He's really comfortable to be with,even Ed's friends wanted to be friends with him. They even invited him to try out for the basketball try out shit but he kindly rejected the offer,saying his height will be a threat to the team.

That's bullshit. I know he pushed the offer because he hated basketball and that he's just up for footie and nothing else. Oh,and don't even mention the females here. They're starting to notice him.

Whenever we walked in the hall,I can see them whispering,giggling and there's a few even walked straight to Louis and shamelessly promoted themselves. Louis always flirts back and I hate it. I hate it. I don't know why but I just do. However,Louis never accept any of their phone numbers and that's weird. Why would you flirt back if you don't want their number??

On the other hand,it's different with me. If I flirt with him,he'll either shrugged or just ignore it like I never did that. Okay,I know I'm just playing around and all those flirting was just for fun but don't I make him want to flirt back? Or am I not interesting for him?

I'm also starting to think I'm getting a little...possessive.Once,I saw Louis talking to some random girls who were swaying their hips and batting their eyelashes when they talk to him and trust me I know it's none of my business because he's none of my business but there's this boiling temperature inside of me when I saw them.

I grabbed Louis' arm and pulled him into a hug,hearing a gasp from him. I pushed my face into his neck and fake a sniffle before saying "Someone called me...awful names. He said *sniffles* I made his girlfriend lose her.. virginity to me and *sniffles* he called me a .. *sniffles* a .. "

I was thinking of which mean word that'll fit when he returned my hug and soothed me,patting my back right in front of the girls. Hah pathetic. I can't see their faces(which I wish I can) since I'm hiding mine in Louis' neck,inhaling his perfume scent.

"Haz,it's okay. You don't need to say it. We'll go somewhere and you can tell me all about it,yeah?"

I fake sniffled again although I'm smiling so wide that moment. Louis pulled me to the cafeteria with my face on his shoulder,not caring to say any last words to them *cough* whores. Yeah,I had to fake a story and lie to Louis but it's worth it.

Was that possessive?

After school today which is Friday,Niall,Zayn and Louis went to their homes to grab some clothes before staying at Liam's,including me. I took a few t-shirts,pants,boxers and not forgetting my literature book. I left a message magnated to the fridge,saying I'm staying at Liam's until Sunday or maybe Monday. I also sent her a text just in case she didn't see the one on the fridge.

Everyone agreed to come around at 3p.m so I took a shower and ate some sandwiches for lunch,then about 2.35p.m I drive to Liam's. I arrived around 2.50p.m. Niall and Zayn arrived earlier than me.

I took my bag and dumped it on the stairs before I laid down on the sofa,watching commercials on the television. Niall's on his phone,scrolling through Twitter while Zayn and Liam chatted about the new movies in cinema.

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