Chapter 2

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Hi guys.I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter!Thank you for reading my fanfic!I truly appreciate it! Do leave a comment or two!

Harry's POV

"Harry Edward Styles! Wake up!"

I woke up,face drenched in sweat. My heartbeat so fast I can hardly breath. My body automatically sat up and I was panting like I've just finished a marathon.

"Harry dear,your alarm's been on for more than 5 minutes."

I reached over to the side of my bed and slammed off my alarm clock.

"You okay,hun?" Mum asked me,voice thick with worry as she wiped away the sweat from my forehead with her hand.

My panting slowed down,my breathing getting normal again.

"Yeah mum." I can barely hear my own voice when I said that.

"Was it that dream again?" Mum asked me. I only managed to nod. That's the fourth time I dreamt of the exact same thing these 2 weeks. It's not normal to have the same dream more than twice. I know it's not. I've done research on this matter and it's starting to scare me.

"Hun,I think you should stop watching CSI and all the shows similar to it. It's scaring you although it doesn't before.."

"Mum,you and I know that's not the problem." I sighed.

"Go take yourself a nice shower. Get ready for school and forget about it,okay? I hope you feel better later."
She kissed my forehead before giving one last fond smile and left me alone once again.

"I swear I'll die in my sleep if this continues." I muttered to myself.


Narrator's PoV

"There it is.." Louis said to himself as he slowed down his car and took a look at the school.A few days before,his mom brought him there to show him the way to school and how the school looked like.But he never focused much on the school's appearance.He never cared.After a few minutes he found a perfect parking spot and he parked his car.He grabbed his bag,locked the car and made his way in.

As he walked,he observed his new surroundings.The school is a modern looking building and it looked quite huge from the outside.No gravity at the walls.Impressive.. thought Louis.The students are all busy talking to their friends,probably about their recent holidays they had.The students were all properly dressed and no shabby looking kid anywhere.

As he entered the school grounds,he realised that this building doesn't just looked huge..It is huge!His previous school wasn't this big.He took a moment day dreaming and he remembered he was suppose to be looking for the principal's office to ask for his timetable but he got no clue where it is.Judging by the size of the school,it will take at least 10 minutes to find the room.

Last time his mom came alone to register him in this school.He didn't wanted to come.His mom was so grateful this school accepted him even after looking at his previous records which is quite embarrassing but he seemed proud of it.He got sent down from his previous school and he was proud of it! He made a quick thinking session wether to roam alone and find the office or just ask someone.He chose to ask someone.He looked around and saw a guy who seemed to be taking out books from his locker. Louis approached him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey,um,may I know where's the office?I'm kinda new."

That guy turned his face to Louis and eyed him up and down.Louis felt like this guy was judging him in some way.But then,that guy responded "Sure.Follow me."

He closed his locker,zipped his bag and walked further in the building.Louis abruptly followed him.Louis took a good look at this guy.The guy's had huge biceps and the tight looking shirt he's wearing made his six packed abs looked huge.He's tall and not to forget handsome.Has a deep voice but sounded really good.He looked like one of those bullies each school have.Is he a bully here? The guy suddenly glanced at him and caught him staring.Louis smiled awkwardly.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson."

He looked at Louis blankly and continued walking quietly and so does Louis until he suddenly stopped in front of a door and said "Here's the office." Louis nodded and gave him a small smile."Thank you." Louis turned the door knob and before he can enter,the guy who helped him finally said this before leaving.

"I'm Liam Payne. Mess with me and you'll be in pain."

Louis grinned and went inside.


*Sorry if there's grammar or spelling errors.I might go typo sometimes.

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