Chapter 8

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Hi guys. I know not many is reading my story but I'm so happy my synopsis reached 117 reads.It was 39 reads 3 days ago! I felt all tingly inside and it motivates me to write more and more. So thank you. So much. *Sniffles*


Louis POV

He looked at me,took out his sunglasses and said in the most sexy voice I've ever heard in my entire life...

"Your number."

I actually shivered at hearing that voice with that tone. It sounded challenging but at the same time seductive. Wait... seductive? I'm a male and he's a male. He couldn't be seducing me right? This boy is making me worry the hell out of me. Yes,worry! I'm pretty sure I'm straight like a ruler but now my brain is saying otherwise. All because of that mischievous grin. What the hell? He succeeded in making my breath hitched and it's like breathing underwater,I swear. He's .. probably just playing the cool boy act. Yea,he's a cool boy that's why he acted like one. Remind me to keep myself reminded,brain. Oh great I'm communicating with my brain.Oh god don't even get me started on his facial features. Those eyes... He was covering them the whole day and now it's like green as emerald. So.. mesmerizing. Those curly locks looked so soft I just wanna run my hand through them. I bet they're as soft as cotton. That perfect nose..Those cheery pink lips that's just trying to break down my wall. Don't say that I'm gay for what I just said. They were just obvious facts.If you're in my position staring at Harry Styles you'll say the same thing. I'm straight.I am. I am. You know what? Forget what I just said.

I swallowed the saliva I never knew I didn't swallow while I lost oxygen for a moment just now. Act like a guy,Louis Tomlinson.

"What for?" I asked,shoving both my hands in my jeans pocket.

Harry bit his lower lip,making his lips looked plump. " Well... I'm in a good mood to befriend a lonely student."

I smirked at him and made my way towards him. I looked him in the eye again and oh it's such a beautiful sight. "That's the best you got,Styles?"

"It's true,isn't it?"

"No.. I'm not exactly lonely... Remember I have Niall,Liam,Ed? Oh and Zaynnnn."

"What is it with you and Zayn?" He asked me,unexpectedly.

"Eh? I liked him. He's one cool dude I can spend time with. What can I say? We fit."

Harry seemed to winced a bit.
"So basically you're telling me I'm not cool enough for you to spend time with?"

" I didn't remember saying anything like that." I tilted my head,faking a thinking expression. "Or is my memory fading every 5 minutes?"

"You still didn't answer my question, Tommo."

Urgh. I dont like it when someone called me that. I'm okay with anything but not Tommo. It just sound weird to my ears.

I sighed. " No,Harry. You're way better than cool and I'm okay with that."

I saw him brightened up before I shouldered past him so I can get to my car and go home. I heard him said "what the.." then he grabbed my hand again like he did earlier just now. God..what's this boy want more from me? I just wanna go home and take a long nap and wake up for homework and sleep again. He pulled me towards him,making me faced him again.

"If you're okay with me,why don't you give me your number?"

"You sound desperate,lad." I chuckled a bit.

"You're not answering my question again!"

"Harry,I was planning to give you but the fact you called me Tommo ruined my plan."

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