Chapter 10

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I wanna inform you guys I updated Chapter 1,2 and 3. Harry's PoV there so it's better if you reread them. Sorry for your inconvenience. I was just trying to make the story more interesting.


Louis' POV

"I thought you said sports' not your thing,Harry Styles." Niall mentioned,reaction same as Zayn.

"Just fookin' count me in."

"But you sucked at sports!" Zayn spat.

Harry put his phone away and glared at Zayn. "Excuse me??"

"You're the one who said that every time we invited you!"

"People change,Zayn. It's good he's trying right?" Liam said,looking at Zayn and when Zayn looked back at him,he smiled supportively,showing that he's not on anyone's side neither Harry or Zayn.

Zayn slowly gave in to Liam's sugar sweet smile and he shrugged at having to give up. He smiled back at Liam, "I admire you,Li."

"Me??" Liam asked.

"Nah,I'm talking about Liam Hemsworth that's why I'm looking directly at you."

I laughed. This was just hilarious to see. You gotta admit,best friends bickering are the best type. Their words filled with sarcasm and fake annoyed voice but they're sweet. You can see how much they actually loved dissing each other and at the same time,fondness growing on each other.

Two days with these weirdos was enough to remind me how much I missed my own weirdos. My old buddies. I missed every single second I spent with them,with Daniel and Josh. They'd been my friends since I'm 10 and they're the only ones who knew the real me. They'd saw me crying,singing,going crazy and the times I'm so pissy.

I missed it when we ditched school together and going to the arcade instead. I missed it when we got kicked out of class because we're too busy chatting instead of learning,together.I'm also shamelessly missing the time we snucked into Grimes' house which resulted me in getting kicked out of school.

I missed the conversations,the hugs,the laughs,the bickering,the pestering,the dissing. Just simply everything. I guess I have to learn to let go. They're in my past now. I've found some new friends and I should move on...

"So,where should we meet?"


" I want those 10 questions to be done by Thursday. Thank you."

Everybody noisily get their things and packed  their bags soon rushing to the door. I grabbed my books and my bag (not forgetting my phone) and walked casually slowly since everyone was shoving each other to the door. I was the last one out.

I kept some of my books in my locker,not forgetting to fix my hair after. After shutting my locker,I made my way to the gym. Liam said to meet them there after school. Thank god Liam showed me where it was yesterday. I think I arrived earlier than the others since no one was here,not even Ed.

I took a look in the the gym and no one was there either. The room beside the gym is a changing room,based on the written sign on the door. I leaned on the changing room door,huffing because I'm already sweating before any practice was even done yet and it'll ruin my hair if I kept sweating.

A few students walked past me,chatting with their friends and barely noticing me standing right here. I took out my phone,ready to type in Liam's number when the door I'm leaning on opened and someone pulled me inside,locking the door afterwards.

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