Chapter 20

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Louis: (walks downstairs and calls Niall) "Niall?"

Niall: "Yeah?"

Louis: "I need help."

Niall: "Mhm,what do you need?"

Louis: "Harry. He won't talk to me."

Niall: (turning away from the tele) "What have you done to him this time?"

Louis: "Nothing! We were just talking and he got pissed,I guess."

Niall: "Well then,its your problem. It must be something you said so I can't help with that."

Louis: "Nialler,please. He locked himself in Liam's room and I can't get him to come out. I need him,so please."

Niall: "You need him?" (Raising an eyebrow)

Louis: "I need to do Mr Murs' work with him Niall,so yes I need him. Neither of us will get the work done if we stay like this."

Niall: "Okay,Louis. But you owe me.(standing up)

Louis: "Alright,we can sign a contract on it but get him out."


(Liam's room/12.10 p.m)

Niall: "What are you doing?" (Seeing Harry flipping back on the bed after opening the door for him)

Harry: "Trying to have a decent sleep."

Niall: "You do know Louis is waiting for you right outside this door right?"

Harry: "Be grateful I let you in."

Niall: "Are you talking to him?"

Harry: "I might ignore him today.(sigh) Maybe tommorow or the next few days too.

Niall: "Harry,he needs to get his work done so go out and - "

Harry: "Tell him I left a piece of paper under my bag and that's for him. All the infos he need is there."

Niall: "Okay." (Grabbing the doorknob)

Harry: "Oh and tell him to fuck off." (Huffed and closed his eyes)

Niall: (steps out where Louis is waiting,closing the door behind him.) "Um hey. He wanted me to tell you that there's a piece of paper under his bag and you should get it. Everything you need is there. And....he"

Louis: "To fuck off. I get it."

Niall: "You heard him?"

Louis: "Yeah?"

Niall: "I'm sorry. I'll talk to him for you."

Louis: "Nah,it's okay. Let him have his time alone."

Niall: (nodding)

Louis: "Wait here. (Went to his room and after 3 minutes,he walked back out to Niall with a paper in hand) "Hand this to him. My infos are there. They're not much but I'm sure they're enough." (Forcing a smile)

Niall: (taking the paper) "Okay,and Louis I'm sure he'll forget about this. It's no serious matter."

Louis: "I hope so."


(Liam's bedroom/12.21 p.m)

Niall: (lying down beside Harry) "Mind telling me what's this all about?"

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