Chapter 27

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What I think of the picture above:

Louis:*smiles like a kitten to a fan*

Harry: "You better stop making flirty faces at my boyfriend or I'll punch you right here with these arms I spent time working out on"


Louis' PoV

"Love,talk to me." I whispered and our eyes met.

I never thought I'd miss someone's eyes like this before. I feel like everything around me is not around me anymore and I couldn't care less if anyone is staring. All I wanted to do that moment was just to get lost in those beautiful,mesmerizing green eyes and never come back to my sense but Harry moved his eyes away from mine.

"Let go,Louis. People will talk." Harry said,looking around and trying to release his hand from my firm grasp.

"Let them talk because we need to talk."

"Louis,Eleanor and her friends are staring. Let me go." Harry tried pulling his hand away.

"Harry,I don't want to be rough with you okay? So,listen to me. Calm yourself,seat down and -"

I didn't get to finish my sentence because he twisted his wrist and got his hand out of my grasp. He quickly walked away,pushing through everyone and just leaving his uneaten lunch like that.

"Harry!" I called out,almost angrily.

Right on cue,Niall came back from the toilet,looking around curiously."Where's Harry?"

"I'll find him. You stay here and call Liam,Zayn,Ed and Cara back to the table yeah?" I told Niall and grabbed my bag in a swift motion,walking quickly in the direction Harry went.

Oh,wait. I turned around and shouted one last thing to Niall. "You can have Harry's food,by the way!"


My eyes searched everywhere for Harry and I found him,walking very quickly to god knows where. I pushed past some students just to catch up with him,muttering apologies to them. They don't bother much though. They simply smiled and get on whatever they were doing before.

I lost Harry for a minute and I stopped. I don't know where he went. Oh shit shit shit,where can he even go at this time! Did he plan to ditch just because of me? I have to check the front gate! I walked and walked and there he was. He was sitting down on a bench near our school's small, man-made waterfall. His head was down while he played with the zipper of his bag. Alone.

"Hey." Cara suddenly greeted me from behind.

I quickly turned around,surprised at her voice and she smiled. She looked at the direction I was looking and she smiled even bigger.

"You were looking at Harry?"

"Okay,you caught me. Yay." I said sarcastically.

"Are you okay? Did something happened when we left you both just now?" She asked,keeping her voice low.

I bit my lip. "He won't talk to me."

"You know what,Louis? I'll help. I just don't understand Harry sometimes. Urgh."

"No Cara wait no." I whispered harshly but she's already walking towards Harry and I facepalmed.

I hid myself near the wall and peeked at them. Cara better make everything better and not much worst. If she does helps in this,I'll forget the fact I'm annoyed of her and that I don't even like her. Dear god,please. I need answers.

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