Chapter 19

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Louis: (spots Eleanor waving,sitting at her table) "Hi,El."

Eleanor: "Hello there,Lou Lou bear."

Louis: "Nice,can't believe you remembered." (Sarcastic)

Eleanor: "You mean it's easy to forget how your mum cooed to you everytime you came back home from school?"

Louis: "I should've known your purpose of calling me here."

Eleanor: "And that is?"

Louis: "To embarrass me."

Eleanor: " I wouldn't do that to you,Lou Lou bear. How could I?"

Louis: "I'm leaving."

Eleanor: "Without meeting my boyfriend?" (Smug smile)

Louis: (wide eyed) "You have a boyfriend?"

Eleanor: "Yeap."

Louis: "Little Ellie finally found herself a boyfriend! (Muttering) "Finally."

Eleanor: "I have boy magnet,oh please." (Flipping hair dramatically)

Louis: "How can he even stand being around you?"

Eleanor: "He loves me okay? Nothing will do us apart."

Louis: "Yet he's absent."

Eleanor: "He's on the way here,idiot."

Louis: "As a boyfriend he should arrive earlier than me to accompany his annoying girlfriend."

Eleanor: "Where's your boyfriend then?"

Louis: "Boyfriend?"

Eleanor: "Why isn't he with you?"

Louis: "I don't have a boyfriend. Who the hell you talking about?"

Eleanor: "Oh so it's true you guys aren't dating."

Louis: "You mean Harry? Oh dear lord,obviously not."

Eleanor: "But I like him." (Disappointed)

Louis: "Who doesn't?"

Eleanor: "So he's single and ready to mingle?"

Louis: "Don't even think about it." (Almost hissing the words out)

Eleanor: "Someone's possessive."

Louis: "You have a boyfriend."

Eleanor: "He won't find out." (Teasing) "I can have both at once."

Louis: "Getting intimate with two boys at once? What a slut.".

Eleanor: "Ouch. Louis,you know I'm joking."

Louis: "And you know I am to."

Kenton: (Arrived,sitting down beside Eleanor and kissing her cheek,smiling)
"Hey,babe. Am I late?"

Eleanor: (smiling sweetly) "No. Even Louis just arrived."

Kenton: (Nodding at Louis once,extending his hand) "Kenton Duty."

Louis: (shaking Kenton's hand) "Louis Tomlinson. I'm guessing you're El's boyfriend?"

Kenton: "Smart observation there."

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