Chapter 4

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Here's Chapter 4 for you guys !
Hope its satisfying enough.Quite long too so..Happy reading!!


Louis knocked on the door before entering.There's a male teacher holding a book and he seemed to be in a middle of explanation but he stopped when Louis knocked.

"Ah..New student eh?" He said as Louis entered.Louis nodded "Yes,sir."

The teacher smiled.Well good.He sounded polite.It's almost rare to find students who still addressed their teacher as sir at this school.They'll usually called my last name only. The teacher wondered to himself.

"Well boy.Don't you want to introduce yourself to the others?"

Louis turned his body to faced the students who were staring at him."My name is Louis Tomlinson.I've just moved here so yeah..Actually,kinda hungry now."

Some of the girls in the class giggled.Louis is good looking after all.Even his voice is beautiful. Anything that came out from his mouth will surely tug any girls heart.Louis just smiled though.He knew this school is as easy as his previous one.Girls will be falling for him less than a week.

Still smiling,he said "By the way,I'm single." with a bonus wink at the end.

The class laughed at his cute words that sounded so innocent."Okay okay and I'm Mr Hopkins,married and blessed with 2 childen." the teacher interrupted. Louis,Mr Hopkins and the whole class ended laughing together.Mr Hopkins patted Louis on the back.

"I think we can go along quite well,Mr Tomlinson."

Louis nodded."So do I,Mr Hopkins."

"Let's not waste more of our precious time shall we? So..that empty sit there is yours."he glanced at the only empty sit left in the class."Yes sir."Louis obediently walked to the empty sit and sat down.

This is not so bad.The teacher's cool.I might like history for the first time ever.Louis thought to himself. He took out his stationeries and put them on his table one by one,ready to start the day.He was too focused on focusing he forgot there was a human(well someone) was sitting right next to him.Louis finally raised his eyes toward this kid next to him.

Louis POV

"Hi mate" I started the conversation between me and this cute lookin lad here.The lad seemed to fidgeted a bit before raising his eyes to mine.

"Um.Hi Louis."

I smiled,trying to make him feel comfortable with me.He got nice blonde hair that's for sure.Well,he looked nervous than I am.So I decided to cut the awkwardness again.

"What's your name?"

"Niall.Niall Horan."

Aahh..He's Irish.That's for sure number 2.

"Niall eh? Nice name your mom got you."

What? I couldn't think of anything to say to make him talk.

"Aye mate.It is." He responded back with a smile.

Thank God.I thought I'm being weird.I congratulated myself for making my first History class friend.Now I don't need to be alone in History.Oh cmon Louis.With your looks,everyone is willing to be your brain suddenly said.

I pushed those weird thoughts my brain made and I wanna start focusing on Mr Hopkins's speech on how our exams are going to be focused on essays and bla bla bla...I just can't listen to this kinda stuff in the morning.It ruined my learning mood.

Well...I got along with this Irish lad quite well.I engaged him in a conversation since I can't stand listening to examination stuff and BOoM! We got along.He's quite talkative.But in a nice way of course.I almost felt sad to leave him when History ended.But he was cool with it,he simply waved at me and left for his next class.

Ok so...what's next on the schedule?

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