Epilogue 1

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Ok so the epilogue I made before sucks so I made a new one,more detailed. More feels. :')

Have a lovely day! 💙💜

"Where can you possibly take me this time?" Harry asked as he slipped in the passenger side of Louis' car.

"I don't know. Take a guess." Louis answered as he lowered the handbrake and drive.

"Somewhere affordable,I suppose." Harry clicked on his seatbelt.

It was their fourth date that day and Harry had no idea where Louis' going to take him to. It was still summer vacation but Harry and the others were not staying at Louis' house anymore. They're back to their own houses, doing their own business. It's almost 2 months he's been dating Louis now and it's almost like everything was just...a dream.

Anyway,the first date -as we all remember- was the one where Louis took him somewhere behind dark buildings and they spent the day eating KFC on the roof of Louis' car,gazing at the beautiful view of bright stars above. That's where Louis personally let out what he think he had to. It wasn't perfect to Louis but it is to Harry. He couldn't ask for more.

For their second date,Louis took Harry to a funfair,a carnival, whatever you call a place with rides and games and bright orange colours around. He took Harry on multiple rides -he hated some of the rides but for the sake of Harry's excitement,he went anyway- and played games. It turned out,both Harry and Louis suck at games,any games really. Harry eventually gave up on their sixth or seventh try on a shooting game called Shoot the hunters. He badly want to win the white bunny doll but he was so done with the shooting.

<>Second date flashback

"Lou,let's just finish your bullets and go. We can't win this one too." Harry sighed,tugging on the sleeve of Louis' sweater.

"No,Harold. Just have faith in me,I can do this." Louis said firmly and continued squinting at the small, moving figure of the 'hunter'.

He want to win. He needed to get that doll for Harry no matter how much money he'll lose for this. He lost multiple games before this one and if he lost this one too,he'll lose his shit and burn the carnival to ashes.

The man in charge of the game was just smiling looking at the two. They've been there long enough for the man to figure out they're not just friends or best friends. He wanted to laugh everytime Louis missed a shot because honestly,the bullet doesn't even went near the thing that's suppose to be shot but he kept quiet and watched the goons anyway.

"I have 3 more bullets. Don't disturb me." Louis said to Harry as he aimed again.

"Boy,that's not the way to shoot." The man said. Louis looked at him. "Don't aim and make the gun follow every movement of the 'hunter' then shoot. Imagine when you're hunting for real. If your gun don't stay still,it won't hit the target."

"What are you suggesting?" Louis questioned,resting the gun backwards on his shoulder as he hold on to it tightly,imitating the hunter type of stance and Harry thought that was really hot.

He took out his phone and sneakily took a picture of Louis from the side and wow. The picture itself was perfect. Thanks to the model in it.

"Just keep your aim at one place and wait for the 'hunter' to move there. When it's exactly in the spot you're aiming,you shoot." The man told Louis.

Louis nodded at the man,aimed at a certain spot,holding the gun tightly and his eyes was as focused as ever. When the moving 'hunter' was right on the spot,he shot. But sadly,he missed. 2 more bullets. He let out a frustrated 'argh' and the man chuckled.

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