Chapter 26

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Harry's PoV

"Forgive me" was what Louis said and before my brain can even process what he meant by that,his lips were on mine and a spine chilling current went through my entire body.

As cliche as it may sound,I felt the sparks and fireworks and I think it's the best feeling I ever felt through my whole 16 years of living. This boy I've been trying to steal his attention for 2 months is kissing me and I'm not even the one who started first.

Does it sound stupid when I say my dreams come true? I wanted my first kiss to be his only his and as crazy as it may sound,here it is happening right now.

My eyes closed as his begin to move his lips on mine. His lips tasted like medicine and I almost forgot he was sick in the first place. As much as I enjoyed his rough but enjoyable lips on mine,I didn't respond to it. Not that I don't want to but I don't know how.

Its a first kiss for God's sake!

After a minute I felt him exhaled,he finally pulled his lips back and I stopped myself from groaning at the lost of contact. I started breathing again (since I almost forget I was suppose to breath) and my eyes opened to this beautiful person who stole my first kiss. His face was still just inches from mine and his hands never moved, locking me in place.His gaze were so deep into my eyes that I felt like melting into a puddle right there and then and I wanted to avert my gaze to something else but my eye fell on his lips instead. I want them on mine again.

"You okay?" Louis' voice snapped me out of my thoughts and my gaze dropped to the floor.

Am I okay? I don't know. Whatever just happened just now it's still unacceptable for my brain to process. I mean,it's something that I thought will never happen and I already gave up on him. 80% of my crush on him was dumped away....or so I thought. I think it was always in me and I never threw it away. This could be one of those mind tricking dream again,the one that felt so real and it wasn't. I'll probably wake up in a few minutes.

"Say something." Louis said and I am really just waiting for the moment for me to wake up. Maybe I should pinch myself?

I looked into Louis' mesmerizing eyes,hoping this dream will be over. I'm so nervous and I hate it. Wake up,Harry Styles!

I gasped out loud when Louis suddenly leaned in again,his lips dangerously close to mine. "Don't make me kiss you again. that what you want ?"

"Does this Louis only comes when you're sick?" I asked and luckily,my voice didn't show any nervousness.

"No. This Louis only exist around a certain person who happened to be my hostage right now."

I shook my head,smiling at his answer. "I think you should go to bed and get some rest."

"If you'll go with me."

I gently pushed him forward so he take a couple of steps back and said "Goodbye Lou" before grabbing the doorknob and running outside without closing the door.


Here I am sitting down on my bed,thinking about Louis. Im trying my best to let him go and this suddenly happens out of nowhere. He kissed me. Louis kissed me. His lips were on mine. Our lips fit together. He asked if I was okay with that and he didn't regret it. He's not drunk when it happened. He's completely sane. Am I sane?

I don't think I can think straight anymore. I can't even do my homework without thinking about him now. What should I do? Should I call him? Should I ask if he's aware of what he did? Wait,did he take his meds??

I groaned and fall back onto my bed. Why must Louis make my life complicated? I put my thumb and index finger on my lips as I ponder. This lips were on Louis'. I smiled a bit. I had a flashback of Louis' lips moving against mine and I smiled a bit more. Maybe it's not so bad. I guess he likes me the way I do to him?

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