Chapter 22

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( I had to remove the pic because it won't show up so no pic 😞 😞)


Louis' PoV

I woke up due to the ringing of my phone. I lazily stretched and grabbed my phone revealing a text.

From >Harry Styles<
Niall,do me a favour yeah? Can you get Louis some fresh juice and maybe some toast? I dont want his head to hurt really bad because we have school and all. Just make sure he consumes them oe you'll have to deal with me. XD.

P.s: Don't mention my name,just say it's from you.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up,reading everything again. From Harry but to Niall? Asking Niall to get me some juice? But Niall having to admit it's from him?

I smiled to myself at the thought. He obviously doesn't want me to know. He cares but he doesn't want me to know.

I smiled even wider. And he didnt realize who he sent this text to. This is going to be exciting.

"Thanks,love." Is what I replied back after screenshottin' the message and sending it to Niall via WhatsApp.

I made my way to the toilet smiling,imagining the blush forming on his cheeks after he read the message.


I took the books needed for the day from my locker,shaking my head once in a while because the alcohol effects' still on. My head still throbs and I felt like puking any moment even though I did earlier this morning.

There's an uncomfortable taste in my throat and even my saliva tasted disgusting. To make matters worst,its a school day. I had to come. If I didn't,then mum will ask me why and I sure as hell can't let her know I was drunk yesterday. She'll definitely ground me for a whole month for getting drunk on a school night.

I shut my locker and turned around,my eyes catching the sight of a familiar curls leaning against the wall with his phone in hand.

God,I feel the need to pin him against the wall right there and then and savour his lips.

But for now,I still have myself control. You're lucky I'm considering the fact you have virgin lips Harry,or else...

I smiled to myself,pushing away the thoughts I'm not even supposed to be thinking and was about to make my way towards him but I stopped myself on time. A blonde headed girl with wavy hair out of nowhere ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck,pulling him into a tight hug.

His face was as surprised as I was and he pulled her off,looking at her in massive confusion but that only lasted for a minute.

"Harry,I'm back!" The girl exclaimed.

"You gotta be kidding me." Harry said,looking deep in her face.

I turned back around facing my locker so it's not that obvious that I'm there listening to them. With the people walking around,they won't spot me so easily. Hell who's that girl? I haven't seen her with Harry before.

"Maybe I'm some kind of illusion in your eyes right now because you missed me too much?" She said,adjusting her bag that's starting to slid down her shoulder.

Harry laughed. " I'm pretty sure I'm sane but .. "

He grabbed her in a hug and twirled her around,both of them laughing so happily.

"Shit shit shit,Cara I missed you!"

I felt my hand curling into a fist,a very tight one and I'm not sure why. I glared at the sight of them both and mentally cursed. I don't like what's happening right now. I need to leave. But my,feet was forced to stay there. I need to listen more.

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