Chapter 17

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Please bring me back fetus Larry..


Harry's PoV

"Do you like me?"

Louis exhaled and played with the strand of my hair and I looked up to him,expecting an answer.

"Of course I do. Who doesn't like someone as cute as you?"

He thought I'm asking him as a friend. He thought it's just a normal question friends ask each other. He doesn't understand. You know what? It's okay.

It would've go wrong if he actually understand my question. Let him know nothing about my feelings. They're just a crush anyway. I can bear with it. What I couldn't bear is if he acts differently with me when he knew about...this.This crush I'm having.

Besides,he got Eleanor. He wouldn't like me. He will go for Eleanor if he needs someone in his life. She's beautiful. Not like me.

Stop thinking about matters that upset me,Louis said. I have to think about Louis. He makes me happy.

No,what the hell? He's right here so make use of it. Make yourself happy.

But he doesn't like me!

And yet here he is with you,on bed,comforting you,cuddling you because he cares about you.

Shush it brain! Just shush up!

I can't believe I'm debating with myself. I accidentally let out a giggle and I covered my mouth to prevent Louis from hearing. The thoughts of me arguing with myself is just ridiculous that's why I giggled.

"Do I amuse you?" Louis asked.

He heard me. Um,what should I tell him????

"No,its just....."

Find an excuse that actually make sense you stupid brain! Stupid stupid!

"What is it,Haz?"

"It's just weird that you're cuddling me like this." I whispered.

It's true though. It is weird. I don't think the others do this to each other.

"I don't think it's weird."

"It is."

"Why do you think so?"

I sat up,balancing myself with one hand and smiled at Louis.

"I'm a big boy. Big boys aren't supposed to cuddle anymore and not supposed to be so childish,being scared just because of a nightmare that's never going to come true. I'm just being annoying."

He propped himself on an elbow and raised an eyebrow at me. "Scared you're gonna lose your coolness?"

I leaned against the headboard,crossing my arms.

"I lost it already anyway."

"You are pouting,you know?" He laughed.


"Yes,you are."

"No I am not!"

Louis sat up and leaned towards me, brushing his thumb over my bottom lip,making me shiver involuntarily. Oh my god.What is he doing? Can he not make me even more nervous than I am now?!

"Your bottom lip is out. Conclusion,you're pouting."

My heart beats faster and I can hear it in my ears,like I'm hearing a waterfall. My eyes watched how he talked to me,how his thumb's on the end of my lips. A jolt of electricity ran from the touch he made at my lips through my whole body until my toes can feel them.

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