Chapter 23

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Firstly guys dont kill me if I tell you this but there'll be no kissing scene YET. Yeah but hold on your knifes,I promise you Larry moments is on the way there. There'll be kissing,fluff,dates bla bla bla later on but not now yeah? My head suddenly gifted me with a new idea which I think is better than the last one I planned. Please just bear with me in this story. Believe in me.


Wait hold uppppp! 1.19K READS?! What is this bullshit???!


Third person's PoV


(Niall+Cara's plan: Make Louis feel flustered/bothered)

On the day Harry had his PE lesson was the day Harry,Cara and Niall carried on with the plan. Niall and Cara had planned the idea without Harry since they figured Harry wouldn't agree to it if they discussed it together.

When this idea was told to Harry,he nodded and agreed to proceed with it because they didn't tell him the whole thing. All he got told was to keep Niall's phone with him until someone ask for it. So,when or where the particular person was gonna show up and ask for it,he got no idea. Harry did asked what was the point of this phone thing but the answer he got from his friend was..

"You'll figure it out yourself but make sure to catch up on the plan fast so you can do your part."

On that very day,PE was Harry's last class. After the activities in the gym finished,he exhaustedly dragged himself to the changing room. Students were fighting over the stalls in the changing room and Harry waited outside. After about 10 minutes,everyone already changed and went home which means now he can change in peace.

He went inside and shut the door,not bothering to lock it since he's waiting for that 'someone' to get Niall's phone from him. He patted his bag's front pocket to feel if Niall's phone was still there,and it is.

He sighed in relief and proceeded to take out his sweaty shirt and pants off folding them neatly and stuffing them into his bag. He also didn't bother changing in one of the stalls since no one was there anyway. He pulled on the jeans he wore earlier and was just about to pull the zip up when the door flew open but it didn't surprise him a bit. He was expecting for a person to show up.

What surprised him was the person standing there,Louis. They looked at each other for around 10 seconds until Louis avoided his gaze to the floor instead.

"Um,Niall said he accidentally left his phone with you and asked me to get it." Louis said,a light blush appearing on his cheek because he realised he walked in on Harry shirtless and jeans unzipped.

Then,everything started being clear to Harry. Niall's plan finally made sense to him,might as well get on with it.

"Alright,hold on." Harry pulled his jeans zipper up slowly and the sound of it certainly bothered Louis and Harry smiled.

"Are you just going to stand there and let the people passing see me change?"

Louis got the message and came in,shutting the door behind him. He casually walked in Harry's direction and legit checked him out when Harry's unfolding his shirt,thinking Harry never saw it anyway.

Louis raked in the view of Harry's sweaty body and thought "What a nice little body this kid have." His yes travelled downwards and when his eyes reached the unbutton jeans,he quickly looked away and acted casual once again,sitting on one of the chairs there.

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