Chapter 14

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Louis' PoV

"Are you two dating?"

"I don't know. Ask him." Harry pulled his chocolate ice-blended nearer and he took a sip. "This is marvelous."

"The answer's obvious. It's a no." I answered without hesitation.

Eleanor rolled her eyes at me and said "See you around" before attending another customer.

Does she not believe what I said?

I pulled my plate closer and ate the cheesecake using the metal spoon provided. There's Breadough printed on the spoon in cursive writing. Wow this is delish.

"Why did she asked that?" Harry suddenly questioned.


"It's like she's concluding you're gay just sitting,having a decent lunch with a guy."

"Harry,you can't blame her. She knew I'm bi years ago and I'm kinda impressed she actually remembered."

"You're bi??" Harry looked at me while drinking. I can see the chocolate liquid moving in his straw.

"Did I stutter?"

"You can't answer a question with another question,Louis."

"I didn't remember that being written in the rulebook."

"What rulebook?"


I finished off the piece of cake on my plate,leaving tiny crusts around and I pushed the plate aside. Now to enjoy my iced tea. I took a sip and I automatically like it. The tea tasted so tea-ish and I loved it. Not to mention the soft,sweet smelling cheesecake yet. Wow I'm definitely coming here again. My eyes caught Eleanor serving drinks to a table nearby and I half screamed "Eleanor,these are marvelous!"

She glanced at me,obviously knowing it's my voice she smiled,shaking her head. It's almost too noisy for people to notice my voice.

"You acted as if she's the one who made those."

I looked at Harry who's gently massaging his forehead. "Brain freeze much? That's how I feel if you mock Eleanor."

"I feel great so you felt great when I mock her. That's good."

"You brat."

"Thank you and for the record,I wasn't mocking her."

Customers begin to leave as the time past. I guess their lunchtimes' almost over. It's scary to live in the real world,working and having to support your family. And to think my life is getting there,its just plain scary.

The waiters started cleaning the empty tables with wet cloth and soon,the place was not so crowded anymore. I finished my tea and since I got nothing to do,I fiddled around with my fingers,watching Harry trying to finish his drink without sipping too fast so he won't experience the awful brain freeze.

"So...what are you?"

"Um..a human being?" Harry answered,confused.

I laughed once."No! I mean like,are you pan,bi,gay or straight?"

"Someone's eager to know." He smiled devilishly that made me want to smack the air out of him. That goddamn face!

"It's only fair because you know mine."

"I'm undecided.".

"You? Undecided?"

"Yes,Louis. I'm undecided."

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