Chapter 8

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I'm meeting up with Louis today. Louis. Louis from fucking One Direction! No biggy or anything. Right fan-girling over what am I going to wear... Jeans? Nuh. Dress? Nuh to fancy. Shorts? Well it is a nice day.. Yeah I'll wear shorts. Now I have to decide what shorts... I could wear my high waisted ones with the American flag on one side or my blue ones with studs. American flag! I'll wear a white best top and a denim shirt on top. I'm meeting Louis at 1pm at Starbucks which is about 5 minutes away from my house. It's now 12pm and I need to go get Leah because she's meeting Niall today as well at bloody Starbucks can I not get anywhere to ma self...


Niall text me on Friday asking me to meet him at Starbucks today at 1pm. Vikki's on her way over just now cause we are going to walk over to Starbucks together cause she's meeting Louis there hehe. I can tell Vikki and Louis are going on very very very well I mean Vikki acts like a 5 year old all the time. They have the same sense of humor I don't know they just seem right for each other. I'm wearing my blue skinny jeans with a white top that had 'Lucky' printed on it in black and a pink hoodie. I didnt want to look to fancy cause i mean we are only going to Starbucks. I slipped on my blue vans and unlocked my phone when Vikki walk through my bedroom door. "Fucking hell Vikki ever heard of knocking or ringing a doorbell and waiting for someone to open the door and let you in the house?!" She nearly gave me a heart attack JESUS. "No can't say I have. Are you ready? Cause we'll have to leave now if you want to be there on time." I nodded and we went back down the stairs I walked into the kitchen and told Ashton that I was away out and that I had my phone if he needed me. My mum and dad are away still on a business trip I don't actually remember where they are they go away so often.


We got to the doors of Starbucks as neither of us could see Louis or Niall. Hmm maybe their running late I mean they are boys after all.


Niall and I have just pulled into the carpark at Starbucks. "Oh look there's Leah and Vikki they're at the door." I said to Niall as I locked the car and we started walking over to them. We gave each other a look and then started to sneak up behind them. "BOO!" Niall and I shouted as I wrapped my arms around Vikkis waist and Niall done the same to Leah. The girls let out a little scream and then turned around and they slapped both of us playfully. We walked in and sat down in a booth. Leah and Niall went up to go get the drinks. I could tell but the look on Niall's face that Leah is trying to pay for the drinks. After a couple of moments of Niall giving Leah the puppy eyes she finally caved in. They came back over and we all started to talk.


After getting to know Leah a little bit better I've realised that she's really nice and funny and that her and Vikki are like joint at the hip. Leah looked really nice today. I think that it's nice she didn't try to hard to impress me or that. Me and Louis are in the car on the way back to our apartment.


I take my phone out the pocket on my short and noticed I had a text. I swiped my phone screen. Calum? Why's Calum texting me? "Meet me at the park across the road from Leah's in 5. Cal x" I tell Leah that I have to go home and say bye and then run to the park. I saw Calum sitting on one of the swings. I walk up behind him and sit on the swing next to him. " So. You wanted to see me?" I say while staring at the ground. "Yeah em well I've been wanting to tell you something well since I met you. Your gorgeous and such an amazing person but what I want to tell you is that I like you, I like you a lot and not just as a friend..."

Birthday Wishes- One Direction and 5SOS FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now