Chapter 29

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I left the house and looked out on the street and saw Niall standing at my neighbours gate. "Ni, what's wrong?" I say walking over to him.

"I just want to be alone babe please can you just go!" He snapped at me and I turned around now knowing that Michael had definitely told him. I walked back into the house, pissed off at Michael because if anyone was going to tell Niall it should of been me. I went back into the living room, everyone staring at me now I'm guessing Michael told them as well. Louis walked past me and I heard the door open and then shut so I'm guessing that he went out to talk to Niall.


As soon as Niall walked out I knew exactly what Michael had said to him. Leah and Michael kissed a few weeks ago, I was driving to Vikki's house which is about 5 minutes around the corner from Leah's and you have to drive past Leah's to get there. I had just go to Leah's street and I noticed them standing at the end of the road, at first I didn't realise it was them but then they broke apart from each other and I saw Leah. I feel bad for not telling Niall I mean I am in a band with him and we tell each other everything I guess it was just hard to say this sort of thing to him. I walked out of the house and saw Niall. "Niall mate. What did Michael say to you?" I say sympathetically walking towards him.

"It doesn't matter, it was no big deal anyways, I'm fine now anyways." he said walking back toward the house.

"Was it about Michael kissing Leah?" I asked. He turned around to face me, anger and hurt flushed through his face and I saw his fists ball at his sides.

"What did you just say?!" He said going red in the face with anger.

"Michael kissed Leah the other week, I guess that wasn't what he said to you, I shouldn't of opened my mouth. I guess Leah thought it was no big deal im sorry mate." I say trying to make the situation seem a bit better than it actually was.


What the fuck does he mean Michael kissed Leah! I thought he was my friend but I guess not since he kissed my fucking girlfriend. I balled my fists and started to walk towards the house to find that dickhead of a 'mate'. "MICHAEL FUCKING CLIFFORD WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!" I shout through the house, walking into the living room seeing him standing in the corner talking to Zayn. I walked straight up to him and punched him square in the face knocking him to the floor. He got up clutching his face.

"What the fuck man!" he said looking up at me.

"You mean you have fucking forgotten what the hell you done to my fucking girlfriend the other week!" I yelled gesturing to Leah who was in the corner looking like she was just about to burst out crying.

"Ohh you mean when we kissed?" he replied with a smug look on his face. By this time everyone who wasn't already in the living room walked backing in and watching gingerly. I swear to god if he keeps looking at me like that I'm going to hit him again. "Big deal mate it was only a kiss get over it!" He said in a sarcastic tone. That was it I snapped. I pushed him and he stumbled backwards. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and then punched him a few times in the stomach and once more in the face and left him hunched over.

"Come on we're going home" I said to Leah grabbing her arm and taking her outside getting into the car. She started to cry "It's all my fault Ni, if I didn't go out after him it wouldn't of happened, I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry it shouldn't of happened, I shouldn't of kissed him back. I'm happy with you it's you that I love not Michael. I mean I'm having your baby for Christ sake I obviously love you." she said really fast so I could only make out parts of it.

"I know you love me Leah I'm not stupid Jesus. Wow wait a minute what do you mean you kissed him back! Why would you do that Leah!" I snapped at her why would she do that to me. I parked in our driveway and got out of the car shortly followed by Leah.

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