Chapter 9

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"Yeah em well I've been wanting to tell you something well since I met you. Your gorgeous and such an amazing person but what I want to tell you is that I like you, I like you a lot and not just as a friend..." Did I say that right? Vikki's going to hate me now isn't she? Why did you have to be so stupid Calum!


"W-W-What? What do you mean?" How can Calum like me? Seriously this is turning into like a love triangle well more like square. " Well I didn't know how to tell you and I still don't know of I've done it right. You don't have to like me back at all I just wanted to get it off my chest. I just really like you Vikki I think your beautiful and your just amazing and this past wee while I've gotten to know you a lot better than I ever did but I know you like that Louis dude so it's fine I don't want to ruin your chance of happiness." Once Calum had finished what he said and before i could say anything at all he stood up and walked out of the park gate.



Thoughts kept running through my head. "Why did you tell her" "Your pathetic, a nobody Vikki will never like you" "Face it Calum your ugly" It was getting to much the constant taunting going on in my head. I went to the bathroom and opened the cupboard door below the sink and pulled out a razor. I can't believe it's come to this but why will anyone care anyway. I took the razor to me room and closed my door, I sat learning against the door and pull up my jumper sleeve. I took the razor in my hand and put it to my wrist, digging it into my skin and dragging it all the way over my wrist. The coldness of the blade in my wrist, the rush when blood starts pouring out, the relief it gave. I done it again, and again until I had at least 9 deep long cuts on my wrist. The blood was dripping down my arm now and I was feeling better, not a lot but I was alright for now. But no one can know about this, no one can see the cuts and I mean no one. Imagine how different they would treat me they might not even want to talk to me if they found out, I can't have that happen I really can't.



"Tonight was amazing!" I said as I unlocked the apartment door. "I know Vikki and Leah seemed like they enjoyed themselves too I think we should go out with them more often even if it is just as friends." Louis replied with a wide smile painted on his face. I put the key on top of the coffee table and walked through to the kitchen to get a beer an of course some

food. " Hey Lou you wanting a beer?"

"Aye mate" I got two beers out of the fridge and walked through to the living room. I threw one at Louis and thankfully he caught it. We aren't working tomorrow so we decided to have a few beers. We started watching Hangover part 2 how romantic.

It was about half an hour into the film when Louis' phone went off " AND WE DANCED ALL NIGHT TO THE BEST SONG EVER" he scrambled to his phone. "Hello? Okay calm down we'll be there in a few minutes." Then he hang up. "Niall we have to go. Like NOW!"


I decided to leave the park and walk over to Calum's house to see if he was okay because he seemed really upset when he left. I got to the door and it was left open so I knocked and walked in. "Calum?" I heard a bang from upstairs so I started to walk up I got to Calum's room and pushed the door open "Calum?" I said as I took a step into the room. "SHIT! Calum? Calum? can you hear me? Shit no!" Calum had cuts on his wrist and forearm and his arm was covered in blood. He was unconscious! I pull out my phone and called the first person I thought of. Louis. The phone had been ringing for what felt like ages "Answer the god damn phone Louis!" "Hello?" Louis spoke "Louis I need your help it's Calum he's fucking unconscious and I don't know what to do I need you here please Lou!" He replied then hung up. What am I meant to do until he get here! I better text Ashton and tell him since him and Calum are like best friends. I quickly typed my message and put my phone back into my pocket and attended to Calum again. "Calum? Seriously Calum please wake up I-I need you Cal please!" My eyes started to fill with tears and I couldn't hold them back anymore. "This is all my fault." I said in between tears. "Vikki? where are you?" It was Ash. "I-I'm up h-here" I heard him run up the stairs and then he came into the room and looked at me and then saw Calum and just stood there staring at his friend lying there unconscious, covered in his own blood. "I'll go call an ambulance" Ashton said as he walked out of the room dialling 999. I sat next to Calum taking off my jumper and putting it over his cuts with one had and holding his hand with the other. I was full on crying now. How could Calum do this to himself. "The ambulance will be here in 5 minutes." Ashton said as he walked back into the room. "VIKKI!" "We're upstairs Lou" I said while holding back tears. Niall and Louis came upstairs and saw me with Calum and Ashton over in the corner. I ran to Louis and started sobbing into his chest. "It's all my fault, why did he have to do this?" I said into Louis chest. I heard the sirens and know that Calum would finally be able to go to hospital. I broke from the hug Louis was giving me and kneeled beside Calum. "Calum why did you have to do this, it's all my fault. Cal please get better I love you." I kissed his forehead and then the paramedics came into the room.

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