Chapter 41

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I woke up to the sound of snores. I roll over and see Michael,Calum and Luke lying on the floor of my room. I rolled out of bed and climbed over them to get to the bathroom. I rolled up my sleeve on my pyjama top and looked at the fresh cuts. Ughh how I regrets even started doing this. I lock the door and turn on the shower. I jump in and so what I need to do and then get out. I wrap a towel around my body and hair and then walked to my room. The boys were still sleeping so I walk to my wardrobe and pull out some clothes and walk back to the bathroom to get changed. I ran downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a pot and wooden spoon and ran back upstairs and into my room.

"GET UPPPPP!!" I shout hitting the spoon off the bottom of the pot as hard as I can. The all groan and I shout again.


"I'm up, I'm up Jesus Christ!" Luke said sitting up.

"Fuck off, let me sleep." Michael said turning over.

"Well it's your own fault for sleeping in my room eh!" I say placing the pot and spoon on the floor. Luke rubbed his eyes as stood up from the floor.

"It's fucking 9am!" He said stretching.

"Well I'm going for a coffee, any of yous coming or am I going alone?" I ask.

"I'll come with you, I feel like we have some catching up to do." Luke says running past me to Ashton's room. He came out in a completely different outfit.

"Well you ready?"

"Yeah let's go" I reply and we walk downstairs and walk to Starbucks. When we're there and ordered we sit I a booth and start to talk.

"So what you been doing recently then? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages." Luke says taking another sip of his drink.

"Well I've gotten a lot of my memory back which is amazing! I honestly haven't done much. Ashton's been all against me leaving the house. What about you?"

"Em well, I've been to the doctors and I was going to tell you this later but I guess I might as well do it now."

"What is it?" I ask multiple things running trough my head.

"Well I went to the doctors because I had a sore throat for a week or so. The ran some tests and turns out.. em I eh well I have a throat tumour. I'm going to need an operation to get rid of it. If I keep singing it will get worse." I couldn't breath my heart stopped for a second and my hands started to shake. My eyes started to water and I couldn't think of what to say.

"Luke! God, I'm so sorry." I went over to his side of the booth and gave him a hug resting my head on his shoulder.

"What about the tour? Will it still happen?" I ask looking up at him seeing that he's crying too.

"I don't know Leah, I really don't know." I heard him him cry even more.

"Have you told the boys?" I ask praying that he won't have to go through this again.

"Yeah, I told Calum and Mike last week. I haven't got around to telling Ashton yet."


It feels so good to have finally told Leah.

"I think we should go home now." She saying standing out of the booth and taking he drink with her. I do the same and we make our way to the door. We get out and there are lights flashing everywhere.

"Leah, are you and Niall now over?"

"Leah are you now seeing Luke?"

"Is Luke the real father to your baby?"

Questions were getting thrown at Leah and the paparazzi were pulling on our clothes. We finally got out of the flood of paparazzi and started to walk back to Leah's.

"Do you want to watch a film when we get back since they are probably still sleeping?" She asks me linking her arm with mine. She was right, everyone is still sleeping. We walk through to the living room and I start looking for a film to watch while Leah goes to get some food from the kitchen. I pick out 'Mama' and Leah walks back through. The DVD started and I turned to look at Leah, I could tell that her mind was somewhere else even though she was here with me.


It's going to be okay right? I mean he won't die. What if he can never sing again and I can never hear his amazing voice. Why did this have to happen to Luke out of all people, why Luke! I put my bottom lip in between my teeth to stop myself from crying.

"Leah? Everything is going to be okay I promise." Luke says with a reassuring smile and then kisses my forehead.

"Yeah it will" I say nodding. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I place my head on his shoulder. The film was down and it was now 12pm.

"It's all going to be okay" I say and go to kiss Luke on the cheek. He turned his face and before I could turn around we were kissing. It felt so right but so wrong. He's one of my brothers best friends but he's just amazing. How could I do this though? The kiss lasted a bit longer and then we both pulled back catching our breath. He placed a hand on my belly. There was a really small bump but it wasn't noticeable.

"I can take care of yous, you and the baby. If you ever need anything, want anything. Whatever it is I promise I'll be there unlike Niall." he said the last part under his breath.

"I know Niall left me but he's still going to be a part of my baby's life because I really don't want my child growing up forever wondering who it's father is. Yes I could do with you and the other guys being then for me, especially you, I just don't want to be a bad mum."

"You won't be Leah." Calum says walking into the room and we both turn to look at him.

"What she won't be, you'll be an amazing mum and if you feel like you're tired or need a rest or something then we can always look after the baby whilst you so what you need to do. Thats why we're here or to help you out.. Oh an by the way I've arranged for you and Kayleigh to meet up tomorrow she doesn't have many friends here and she's been really busy with work recently."

"Yeah sure." I say and then look at my phone.

"Fuck! I have my scan in half an hour. I need to phone Niall." I say standing up and walking out of the living room.

"Niall's taking me to the hospital, I'll see you guys later, with a picture of the baby!" I say giving them a cheesy smile. Niall pulled up outside and gave me a weak smile. I got in the passengers side and put the seatbelt on.

"Look, about the other day, I didn't leave because I wanted too. And I didn't leave to be with the other girl. Michael pushed my out, but I didn't refuse because after everything that had happened I really didn't want to make things worst. Leah I'm sorry."

"It's fine Ni, I understand if you didn't want to be there. I would have walked out too." My attention went to the cuts on my wrist. They started to hurt more than usual. I put my other hand down my sleeve and pulled it back out. Blood. Crap, it would be fine right?

"You ready to go see what our baby looks like?" he asks me starting the car again and placing a hand on my thigh.

"I bet you it will be just like you when it's born. A blonde Irish bugger." I say letting out a little laugh and Niall laughs along with me.

"Remember Ni, you have two days to make up with my brother. I'll remind him that it wasn't your fault I was in hospital but you will have to do the rest, I really don't want to talk our baby away from you but I don't want it growing up with it's father and uncle hating each other." I say fiddling with the radio dial.

"I know, I'll try but you need to say that to him too because I'm pretty sure he doesn't care right now. Oh wait a minute." Niall said moving my hand from the dial and putting it back to a radio station. The song on sounded so familiar.

"HOLY SHIT IT'S OUR SONG!" I practically scream at Niall.

"Go on iTunes on your phone." he says to me smirking.

"Holy fuck we're number 4 on iTunes. I would kiss you right now but you're driving." He laughs and pulls into the car park.

"You ready?" he asks


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