Chapter 39

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"Today?" Leah asked me.

"Em yeah! That would be amazing!" I say trying to hide my smile but it doesn't work. "I can drop you off at yours now so you can pack?"

"Yeah, can you help me pack?"

"Yeah sure." I say starting the car and heading towards Leah's house. Maybe this is it maybe it's the start of a new beginning for us. Maybe this time it will work.

-Skip Car Ride-

I pull into Leah's drive and she unlocks the door letting us both in.

"Took your time getting back, where were you- What the hell is he doing here?!" Ashton saying walking out of the living room meeting us in the hall.

"He's here to help me pack."

"Pack what?" He said folding his arms and cocking an eyebrow.

"My stuff, I'm moving back in with him." Ashton opened his mouth to speak again but Leah stopping him.

"Yous are going on tour in two weeks! You need to learn to get a long! Y'know what Niall I say you move in here, that way you and Ashton get get along. I'm tired of you two arguing and falling out."

"Em yeah I'll move in if you think that'll help.." I say not wanting to look at Ashton.

"I'm not having him-"

"Ashton grow the fuck up, you're going to have to fix this some time because if you didn't remember I'm having his baby in 7 months." She turns and walks upstairs to her room and I follow her not really wanting to be left alone with Ashton. I walk in and shut the door behind me and it on the bed beside Leah.

"Why c-can't everyone j-j-just get along?" She sobbed into my t-shirt.

"Shh shhh, it's okay. Me and Ashton just have our differences but I promise we will sort it would because we both love you Leah and we both want you to be happy." After a few minutes Leah stopped crying and I stood up off her bed.

"Where you going?" she asks as more mascara lines appeared on her face.

"I'm going to get get some clothes and that and I'll get some more things tomorrow. I won't be long." I grabbed my car keys from her dressing table where I had left them and walked downstairs.

"You better be good to her this time Niall! I mean it." Ashton said as he walked from the kitchen to meet me at the door.

"I will, she's my everything."

"You said that last time and you didn't make her feel like that, you treated her like shit and pushed her down the fucking stairs. If you're using her Niall Horan I swear to god I will break both your legs. If she gets hurt again because of you, you better watch your back!"

"Look! I know that you're Leah's brother and your protecting her but I'm not going to hurt her, I never pushed her down the stairs she fucking fell. Ashton I want us to get along, I'm not asking for us to be best fucking friends but for god sake can we not at least be civil for Leah." I walked out the door not bothering to get a reply from Ashton.


I heard the door close and I wiped my eyes and took the make up off my face. I walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"THE BOYS ARE COMING OVER!" Ashton shouted from his room.

"OKAY!" I shouted back and pulled a packet of crisps out of the cupboard. I sat in the living room and turned on the TV and Ashton joined me.

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