Chapter 38

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My phone buzzed waking me up


I'm outside! x


Em okay I'll be there in 5 minutes x

What the fuck is he doing here this early I know I agreed to record it but Jesus Christ I didn't agree to waking up at 7am to do it. I put my phone down on my dressing table where it had been just minutes before and walked over to my wardrobe rubbing my eyes. I opened the door and looked for something to wear. Since I was going to be at the studio a while I pulled out an oversized hoodie and a pair of black jeans with blue vans. I got dressed and then walked over the my mirror grabbing my hair brush on the way. I brushed my hair and then tied it up into a messy bun. I walked across the hall brushed my teeth and washed my face and then decided that I couldn't be bothered putting on make up. Once I got into my room again I grabbed my phone, house keys, my song sheets and my reading glasses. I locked to door to the house and walked down the drive to Niall's car. I opened the door to the passengers side and got in. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Sorry for getting you up this early, I know you're not a morning person." He said giving me a smile.

"It's fine." I said still sounding half asleep.


I started the car and looked over at Leah as she put the seat belt on. She opened he mouth as if she was about to say something.

"What is it?" I asked pulling out of the drive.

"Well I have my first scan tomorrow and I was going to ask if you wanted to come but I don't think you'll want to." she said as her voice got quieter with every word.

"Of course I want to go! It is my son or daughter growing inside of you." I say keeping my eyes on the road.

"Really! Okay!" she sounded like an excited 14 year old.

"So have you thought anymore about moving back into our place then?" I literarily had to force the words out. What if she doesn't want to move back in what if she never liked living with me in the first place.

"Yeah actually and I would love too" YES!! "But-" Why does there always have to be a but why! "But I'll need to talk about it with Ashton first."

"Okay then." I say and she turns the radio on and Imagine Dragons-Demons came on. "I love this song!" Leah says turning it up louder and singing along with the radio. Once it finished she went all serious again.

"Niall.. Are you sure you want this baby 100%? Because I want it to have the best life we can give it and we haven't really discussed anything about it." She said raising her hand and placing it on her stomach.

"I do want the baby, of course I want the baby for Christ sake Leah. Don't be so stupid!" I say pulling into the car park and parking the car.

"We're here." I say taking the key out of the ignition and getting out of the car shortly followed by Leah.

"Ni y'know what, who cares what Ashton thinks I'm moving back in with you!" she says walking beside me as I stop in my track and pick her up spinning her around and kissing her forehead and I put her back down. We walked into the studio and Mike was there.

"Hey guys!" He said sounding really happy.

"You got sheet music or something that I can work with while yous are singing in there?" he said pointing I the booth. Leah handed him the pieces of paper and I direct her to the booth. The booth had too mics, both facing each other with a pair of headphones around each. About 2 minutes later Mike came through with two copy's of the lyrics with our different parts mark out and then walked back out sitting on his chair giving us a thumbs up signalling that he was about to start recording. The song started out with the first two lines Leah sang and the next two me and then back to Leah. We both sang the chorus and then the next versus was just me, both on the chorus and then the last little bit was Leah again. We had to record just us singing at least 15 times either until Mike was happy with it or we were. Once we had done that and walked out to join Mike he spoke.

"I was thinking, since this is Leah's song she would obviously be playing piano like how she wrote it. But if we put in some acoustic guitar I think it would sound better." Me and Leah nodded.

"I'll leave you guys to sort that out. Niall you know how to work everything. I have a meeting in 10 minutes I might be back in about an hour or so." He walked out shutting the door and I picked up the guitar that was placed in the corner and started strumming. I played me and Leah singing and Leah walked over to the keyboard in the corner and played what she had originally written. It sounded amazing our voices and her playing piano. I started to strum a couple of chords to figure out what would sound good with the song and everything. About half an hour flew by of me and Leah trying to sort things and add thing with the song. I finally got all the chords that I'll play for the song and recorded it and Leah recorded her playing piano. It was now 10am and the track sounded near enough perfect. We had already gone back in and recorded ourselves singing again and the piano and guitar where perfect.

"Do you think the song will ever leave this room?" Leah asks looking up from her music sheets.

"Well I hope so, I think we should release it, on iTunes or put it on YouTube.. Maybe?" I say walking over to her, hoping that she would think it was a good idea.

"As long as you don't have to wake me up at 7am to do so." She said tangling her fingers in my hair. I've missed her touch, being away from her for so long wasn't a good thing. I wrap my arm around her waist and lean in, my lips meeting hers, our lips moving in sync. The kiss was desperate but passionate. I've been waiting so long for this and it was worth the wait.There was a throat clear and we broke apart, I turned around and Mike was standing there with one eyebrow raised and a smirk plastered across his face.

"When did this happen again?" he asked still smirking. He looked from me to Leah and back to me but neither of us answered. Leah was twiddling her thumbs so I thought I would answer.

"Well... it hasn't exactly happened yet but it's getting there." I wrapped my arm around Leah. Her body stiffened at first but she relaxed and moved closer.

"Well what you wanting to do with the track?" Mike asked looking at Leah.

"Em well I don't mind. Ni what do you want to do with it?"

"Well I was thinking, since its Leah's first recording experience that we could attempt to put it on iTunes just see how people react to it." I say more like a question.

"I guess I could do it. I'll have it up for tomorrow. Are you sure you guys are happy with it?" me and Leah nod and then Mike says we can leave. We get back to the car and once we're in Leah speaks.

"How soon you wanting me to move back in?"

"Whenever you've packed and your ready."


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