Chapter 28

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Me and Leah's are still sitting on what was her bed. There was a silence but it wasn't awkward.

"Who else knows?" I ask her, desperate to go and shout it to everyone down the stairs.

"Only me and you so far." She said looking up for the first time.

"Prettyyyy pleaseee can I tell everyone down stairs and the tweet it and maybe text everyone one it and then shout it outside?" I said really fast and then giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

"Let me tell Ash, Vikki and Michael then you can tell everyone else BUT I don't want the fans knowing, not until I get a noticeable bump."

"Fineee." I said like a 5 year old who never got his way.

I took her hand and we left the room and walk down the stairs. On the way down she turned and looked at me.

"Can we just tell them together,I think it will be easier." I nod.

We get to the living room were everyone is.

"Right guys, listen up we have something to say." Everyone turns and looks at us and then Michael walked up to Leah and grabbed her arm.

"Mate can it not wait?" I say as he takes her to the kitchen.


"Have you told him?" Michael said towering over me.

"Told him what?"

"About the other day!"

"Are you being serious! Of course I haven't! I couldn't hurt him like that!" I said raising my voice a bit.

"Well if you don't tell him I will. You guys were meant to be the couple that tell each other everything. I know it was me that came on to you but I will tell him." Crap how am I meant to tell Niall I kissed one of his mates. Oh god.

"Are you guys coming back through here or what?" Niall said sticking his head around the door.

"Em yeah, yeah we are Ni." I say snapping out of my panicking mode.

"Where was I." Niall speaks to everyone again taking a hold of my hand. "Oh yeah we have an announcement, Leah would you like to tell them?"

"Oh god you're not moving to Ireland or something are you?" Vikki says panicking.

"Jesus Christ Vikki, do you honestly think I would just pack my bags up and leave you here with these retards?" She laughed and then that when I said it.

"I'm pregnant, me and Niall are having a baby." I looked up and everyone's faces had different expressions on them. Then I looked at Michael and he mouthed "You better fucking tell him" at me.

"OH MY GOOD! A BABY! CONGRATS AHHHH!" Vikki basically shouted in my face and then wrapped her arms around me. When she finally stopped strangling me Ash walked up to me.

"I'm happy for you, I really am Leah but do you not thinking you are moving to fast. A baby is a big responsibility but I know you can handle it." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and then gave me a hug.

After everyone had stopped being all mushy the party went back to how it was. Everyone was drinking and the music was on full blast. It was nice to have us all back as a group again. I walked over to Kayleigh who seemed to be alone.

"Hi, sorry I haven't gotten to speak to you all night, I'm Leah, Ashton's sister. Your name is Kayleigh isn't it?"

"Yeah that's me. Congratulations by the way. I'm sure you'll be a great mum." She's really nice. She is about my height, ginger hair, green eyes and she was wearing glasses. She looks nothing like Cal. We've been talking for a while now and I took my eyes off of her and looked around and I saw Michael talking to Niall.

"I'll be back in a minute, Vikki's over there if you want to go speak to her." I said to Kayleigh. I walked closer to Niall and Michael and just as I was about two feet away Niall turned around and walked out of the room.

"What the fuck did you just say to him!" I said right in Michael's face.

"I told him what I said I was going to."

"You're a cunt! I bet you said that I'm the one that kissed you! I used to like you Michael and you used to be an amazing friend but your just pathetic now. LEAVE ME ALONE AND NEVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN!" I shouted so everyone could hear and then left to go after Niall.

(A/N Enjoy. There will be another update soon:)"

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