Chapter 31

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I know Leah said she didn't want me to go with her but she's been gone about an hour. I'm in the car now on my way to Niall's just to see if she's okay. I park my car at the end of the drive way and got out. I could here Leah shouting. I walked up to the door but I didn't want to open it. Maybe I should just wait until she comes out to see if she's alright.

I heard a scream and a lot of thumps. What if Niall's hitting her. I opened the door and stood in the doorway in shock. Leah was lying at the bottom of the stairs, blood coming out of her head. Niall was sitting on the top step, his head in his hands. "LEAH!!" I shouted rushing to her side. "Leah can you hear me? Leah?" I shook her a little but there was no response.

"Don't just fucking sit there phone a fucking ambulance Niall!" I snapped at him. I could tell he was drunk not just because of all the beer cans everywhere but just the way he was acting it wasn't like him. I put the phone to his ear, his hands shaking as I pull Leah into my chest.

"They said they will be in a few minutes" There was tear stains on his top and cheeks. His eyes were filled with more tears as he walked down the steps slowly taking a breath with every step. He fell to his knees at the bottom step and started to break down.

"Why did I drink! I shouldn't of drank! I never do anymore! I hate myself. WHAT ABOUT THE BABY!" Crap I forgot about the baby. It will be fine right? She's only about a month on. I started to hear sirens and the door flew open.

"What's her name?" The female paramedic said taking my place beside Leah.

"Leah Irwin." I said nervously.

"Is she on any medication or allergic to anything I need to know of?" She asked putting Leah on a stretcher.

"Not that I know of. Niall?"

"Em.. No but.. She's a month pregnant."

They put a drip in her hand and put an oxygen mask on her before putting her in the ambulance. They closed the doors and then drove off put the sirens back on. They didn't say anything about Leah's condition or anything. I got in my car and told Niall he best come along as well.

"I didn't mean to so it y'know. I love her, I always will. She was just at the end of the stair when she turned around and lost her balance. I would never do anything like that to Leah, ever. You know that right?" He's defiantly sobering up now. I can't tell if he loves her anymore or not.

"I dot know what to think anymore Niall." I said to him keeping my eyes on the road.

It was only about 5 minutes now until we were at the hospital.


I groaned in pain and put my hand on my head. This pain is like no other that I've felt before.

"Miss Irwin, do you know where you are?" I opened my eyes, my vision blurred.

"You're in hospital. I got a message saying you boyfriend and a friend are on their way in." Boyfriend? I have a boyfriend?

"They're here, do you want them to come in?" the male nurse said.

"Em yeah okay." I said my vision just clearing up. Two boys walked in. Both blonde and both quite fit.

"Leah! Thank god you're okay!" The tall one sad giving my a hug.

"I don't want to be rude but could I talk to you two for a minute?" the mute said to the two boys taking them to the far corner of the room.


"As you both are aware Miss Irwin hit her head quite bad. She might experience some memory loss. We are not sure how much or how little she will have forgotten. The stuff she has forgotten, she may or may not remember some time in the future. One thing though, don't correct what she says if its wrong, just go with it." The nurse said. I glanced over at Leah and she looked even more confused than me and Luke.

"Oh and one more thing. Try not to have too many people around her at one time, it might frustrate her if she doesn't remember who they are."


The nurse left and the boys came back over to me. The taller one spoke again "Do you remember who we are?"

"I know that one of you are my boyfriend and the other is my friend. Are you my boyfriend?" I asked him.


"Are you my boyfriend" Leah asked me. Should I tell her that it's Niall or just go with it?

"I wish." I said under my breath. "No I'm not it's Niall who's your boyfriend. I'm Luke one of your best friends. See that necklace you have on, I gave you that for your birthday last year.

"It's pretty. I like it." She said giving me a smile.

"Leah?" Niall said staring at his hands twisting his thumbs.


"Do you remember what we told everyone the other night?" He looked nervous. "You're pregnant." Her face had shock written all over it.

"What do you mean I'm pregnant! I can't be. No I'm not! I'm not capable of being a mum!" She looked as if she was about to freak out.

"Niall, give us a minute." He left the room and I sat down on the chair beside her bed and help her hand. She seemed a lot more comfortable once Niall had left. Does she remember what happened?

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