Chapter 33

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Leah's getting home today. She's been in hospital for 3 weeeks and her memory isnt as good as it should be by now but the doctor said that being home might help her remember somethings. She's moving back in with Ashton seen as thats where she grew up. I've packed up all her things and already put them to Ashton's.


"You ready to go?" i asked Leah picking up one of her bags and getting ready to walk out of the hospital room.

"Yeah, I guess so." She's still not 100% sure about who I am even though it's been 3 weeks and it's hard trying to cope with it if I'm being honest. I put her piano back into her room and took out her song books, she hasnt played her piano in a few years, so i thought that it might help her remember somethings from her childhood. The doctor told me not to surround her with people since she's in a new enviroment. We walked to the reception to discharge Leah and then got into the car. The car ride was pretty much silent as she spent it starring out the window.

"We're here" I annonced as i stepped out the car and grabbed her bags. I placed one down and unlocked the door. She walked in behind me and walked straight over to a photo of out parents

"Is that mum and dad?"

"Yeah, do you not rememebr anything about them?"

"Em, they're not dead are they? They are still here right?" Wow she really doesn't remember anything.

"No, they're in America for work, they have been for months. Come on I'll show you to your room." I said to her giving her a sympathetic smile. She followed me up the stairs and i pushed open the door.

"Well here you go, just how you left it, kind of.. I'll go get your bags so you can unpack okay?"

"Yeah okay, thank you." I turned around and started to walk back down the stairs. I got about half way down and i heard her play a few notes of the piano, then a few chords. I picked up her bags and went back up.

"You used to bre really good y'know, won a few compititions and everything." I said whilst putting the bags by the bed.

"Why did I stop then if I was so good?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"I don't know you were playing on day and then just stopped the next so mum put the piano in the spare room incase you ever wanted to start playing again. You wrote your own songs as well, you used to sing a little but never infront of anyone." I picked up her books and handed them too her. "Here see if you can at least remember hwo to play some of these." I then walked out of the room and went down to the living room.

**Few Hours Later**


The piano is amazing, I feel like I never forgot how to play it. I found on of my old songs what I was flipping through the books called "BattleField" so I started to play it not long after Ashton went downstairs. I feel like I'm okay at it now. I played the first few chords of the song and then started singing.

"It's easy to fall in love

But it's so hard to break somebody's heart

What seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield

Once lust has turned to dust and all that's left's held breath

Forgotten who we first met

What seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield

We both know it's coming

Does illusion count for something we hide?

The surface tension's gotta break, one drop is all it takes to flood out this lie

You and I

We have to let each other go

We keep holding on but we both know

What seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield

Peace will come when one of us puts down the gun

Be strong for both of us

No please, don't run, don't run

Eye to eye, we face our fears unarmed on the battlefield

We seemed like a good idea

We seemed like a good idea

No blood will spill if we both get out now

Still it's hard to put the fire out

What seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield

Feelings are shifting like the tide

And I think too much about the future

What seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield

We both know it's coming

Does illusion count for something we hide?

The surface tension's gotta break, one drop is all it takes to flood out this lie

You and I

We have to let each other go

We keep holding on but we both know

What seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield

Peace will come when one of us puts down the gun

Be strong for both of us

No please, don't run, don't run

Eye to eye, we face our fears unarmed on the battlefield

We seemed like a good idea

We seemed like a good idea

We seemed like a good idea"


I knocked on the door and Ashton answered.

"Is she home yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's upstairs. Try be nice Niall!" I walked upstairs and was just about to open the door when I heard Leah singing. She was amazing. I pulled my phone out my pocket and started recording her until she finished. I put my phone back in my pocket and walked in.

"Oh em hi.." She said getting up from we piano stool and walking over to sit on her bed.

"I've come over to tell you something. I don't know if you know this already and you're not telling people but I need to tell you how you ended up in hospital." She nodded. "Well it all started not long after Valentines day. We told all our friends that you were pregnant and then I got told that Michael kissed you. We went home early and you told me on the car ride home that you kissed him back. We got in and.."

"Wow hold up. Who's this Michael guy I have meant to of kissed?" She asked cutting me off.

"He's one of Ashton's friends. Anyway, I was pissed off and told you to leave. You went upstairs to pack your bags so you did and you left. You went and stayed with Luke. You came back the next day for the rest if your things I was really really really badly drunk and I followed you upstairs, and just as you were about to go downstairs and leave I grabbed your arm and spun you around and you lost your balance and fell down the stairs." I took a deep breath and she didn't seem to impressed.

"AND YOU'RE MEANT TO BE MY BOYFRIEND! YOU put my in hospital and it's YOUR fault I can't remember anything. Well fuck you! Get out! LEAVE!"

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