Chapter 36

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There was a knock at my door and I wasn't sure whether to answer it or not. There was still alcohol in my system from last night and my head was pounding. I dragged myself out of my bed and pulled on a pair of jeans buttoning them on the way down the stairs. There was another knock on the door as I opened it.

"Leah?" I said pushing the door open fully.

"I'm sorry." She says tears rolling down her face. She engulfed me in a hug and I wrapped my arms around her, missing the way it felt to hold her in my arms.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked as we broke the hug and I moved to let her in.

"Because it wasn't your fault that I'm like this, that I can't remember some things. But it's coming back, slowly but it's coming back. I miss you y'know. I couldn't stay mad at you for long you're just too irresistible." She said me messing up my already messy hair.

"I've missed you too. It's been hard not having you here. Please come back, come home babe please." I almost beg her.

"I'll think about it Ni. Can we so something together today, please?" She asks as we sit on the sofa.


"I'll think about it Ni. Can we so something together today, please?" She asks as we sit on the sofa. Niall's eyes widen. He sitting beside me shirtless and I have to admit its hard not to stare.

"Hmm.. We could go out for breakfast?"

"Good idea, I haven't ate all morning." I say.

"Well then I'll go get ready, I'll be back in a few minutes." Niall said as he got up off the sofa and walked upstairs. I sat on the sofa patiently waiting for Niall to come back down. He finally came back down the stairs and stood at the bottom of them.

"You coming or not?" I said twirling the car keys around his finger. I jumped up and joined him at the door.


We get into my car and drive to the nearest cafe. I park outside and we both get out and walk in taking a seat and one of the tables.

"What can I get you two today?" The waiter asks taking out a small notepad and pen.

"Em.. I'll have blueberry pancakes please." Leah says looking up from the menu.

"Same for me please."

"Okay, they will be ready in a few minutes." The waiter says picking up the menus. Once the pancakes arrive and we had finished them, we decided to go for a walk to the park. We sat down on the grass. After about half an hour Leah changes the subject.

"I better get back soon, Ashton will be wondering where I've gotten too."

"You didn't tell him you were coming to see me?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Well he was sleeping and I didn't think he would be too happy if I did tell him so no I didn't."

"Oh I almost forgot!" I say taking her hand.

"You know the a few weeks ago I came over to apologise to you?"

"Yeah?" she says confused.

"Well I heard you singing and I recorded it and the other day I went to a recording studio and gave it to someone and they want you to go in and record it. He even said that we could turn it into a duo, if you want. Sooooooo.. what do you say?


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