Chapter 3: We Won the Contest

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~ One Week Later...That Night ~

It has officially been a whole week since Emily and I entered the Ghost Adventures contest.

I felt like I've never waited so long for something in my life! It was like I was a young child again, waiting for Christmas time to come around. I was supposed to get a email today to see if we were chosen or not to meet them. I kept checking my email all day so far but no luck at all. Jacob already knows about this, I told him the next day after we entered, and he wishes us both a lot of luck. We could certainly use the luck honestly.

We both really wanted to meet them so badly. It was like our dream to meet them; we are such huge fans of the show. I do also want to meet them because I have a crush on Zak and Emily absolutely adores Nick. Seriously this girl crushes on him so hard...she refuses to marry any man but man if she was ever able to meet him. My mom and dad also hope we win the contest; Amy and David won't believe it till they see it. Typical of them both actually.

Yup, that's my brother and sister for you right there.

Emily and I were just chilling in my room, listening to music when I decided to check my email for the millionth time. I finally got new mail, I thought to myself. I opened the tab, looked at it real quick, and squealed like a toddler, "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!!" Emily jumped off the bed and ran towards me like the wind; where I was sitting on my laptop. She stood beside me excitedly, "What is it?! Read it girl!, read it!"

I read through the email using my mouse saying, "Dear Emily Crossbones and Crystal Roberts....on the behalf of Travel Channel and the Ghost Adventures Crew; Zak Bagans, Aaron Goodwin, Nick Groff, and Billy Tolley, you two have been excitedly chosen for our contest winners!! You get to join the Ghost Adventures Crew for about two weeks in Tampa, Florida; while on a season break of filming! Congratulations Emily and Crystal!! Nick, Aaron, and Zak will meet you tomorrow afternoon at two pm. Signed by the GA Crew..."

I got up not longing to contain my excitement and as Emily just looked at me.

We both screamed, pranced around and shouted, "We're meeting the Ghost Adventures Crew! We're meeting the Ghost Adventures Crew!" We ran and said it all the way downstairs into the living room. My mom, dad, Amy, and David all came said congrats and they were so happy for us two. I guess my parents wanted us to go and have fun as they hugged me and her. We were both still in a state of shock that we actually won.

Soon after that, Emily drove home to pack and spend time with my mom before leaving early tomorrow. I know I need to get to packing now as well. We will be with them for two weeks after all. I hope I can find big enough suitcase to fit enough stuff to last for that long. The two of us decided to be ready by eleven tomorrow morning so we can leave and get there on time.

While watching a Disney movie, I had packed my suitcase; which only took what seemed like a half hour...looking at the clock. It was currently ten thirty pm already! I watched some more of the Disney movie that was on TV before getting settled for the night. I then decided to take a long shower so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow morning. An hour later, I was out and got in bed to text Jacob for awhile, telling him me and Emily had won the contest. Instead of texting me back, we talked on the phone for awhile before I started to yawn.

By twelve thirty am, I felt myself falling asleep smiling.


I woke up way earlier than my alarm the following morning, excited. I didn't wake up hungry but Emily and I decided last night we'll worry about food on the drive there. So...I got up out of bed to get dressed and get started of the day. After a few minutes, I decided to wear a blue bustier, black skinny ripped jeans and my white converse shoes. The only accessories I put on next were my pearl stud earrings and my infinity necklace.

I looked into the long mirror at myself and smiled. Feeling great with how I looked, I went into the bathroom to do my business, wash my face, and brush my teeth. After all that I combed and brushed my hair, leaving it wavy. I put on black mascara on my eyelashes and grabbed my Strawberry Chap-stick to keep on me. I doubled checked to make sure I have everything I wanted, including my phone charger. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs where Emily was already there waiting for me.

I found out that my parents went out for some 'early morning' shopping. Its a good thing after all I said my goodbyes and everything to them last night. I hugged and kissed my younger brother and sister goodbye, telling them text or call me while i'm gone. I quickly then headed out the front door with Emily. She put my bag in the truck of her car and then we headed for our long four hour drive to Tampa.

I thought to take mine but Emily insisted to take hers and we'll even take turns on the driving. Emily and I were starting to listen to music and snacked on some chips we had gotten along with lunch at a gas station. I just had realized something within that moment....I will be meeting my celebrity crush Zak Bagans. I started to get really nervous and shy as I began to get a little afraid, becoming silent.

Emily then looked at me while I was driving, "Baby Bear what's wrong? Why did you get quiet?" "I'm going to meet Zak, Em. You know how much I have a huge crush on him." "Yeah I know Crys, but you should be happy. This is like a dream to us remember? Finally meeting the Crew." "I know that I should be Em and I partly am but you know I'm really scared to face him. I don't want my feelings for him to be noticed. I'll get shy just like I used to in high school." She then grabbed my hand comfortingly, "It will all be alright Crys....just don't worry about that now and just enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity. Take a deep breath and smile...we're going to meet the guys and I know how much your dying to do this."

I just smiled at her and nodded my head because she is right.

I know she is right because she's been my best friend for many years. I needed to not worry about it now and just enjoy this. But I can't deny or just ignore it...and I know once I see him i'll start acting like my teenage self and get shy, quiet, and not wanting to talk. Maybe i'll be able to put those feelings inside and just be happy that I get this chance to meet them. Because who knows how many girl fans will wish they'll want to be in my place. I just shook my head and not thought about it for the rest of the way there.

Teenage Dream (Zak Bagans Fanfiction) {Need to Re-edit}Where stories live. Discover now