Chapter 33: The Evil Zak

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~Two Weeks Later, One Morning~

I was sitting on the couch with Bella and Gracie was next to me.

I was currently watching The Secret Life of Bees. I swear I would love to meet Queen Latfiah someday. She's one of my favorite actresses and she's just simply amazing. It's just can you not love her? I turned my head to look towards the door, to the dungeon, as I sigh to myself. Something is seriously wrong with Zak lately and I don't know what. I think he might be possessed but yet it didn't seem as bad. I mean...he just mostly just keeps to himself a lot more and doesn't spend much time with me.

It's not like him at all.

I heard his footsteps coming upstairs as he went to the kitchen to get something to drink. I got up off the couch with the movie still playing and walked towards him. "Zak we need to right now," I demanded. He turned and looked at me as I saw that his eyes were pure black. What the heck is going on, I thought to myself. "What the fuck has been with you lately," I asked him, "You never spend time with me anymore!"

"I'm busy with the show," he muttered. "That's pure bullshit. The show just ended with another damn season. I'm not stupid Zak, I just watched the season finale recently." "I do spend time with you Crystal." "Oh yeah Zak? Like when, smartass?!" It was clear that I was really pissed...and since I'm pregnant I shouldn't really be. He should be helping me more with certain things and he's not even doing that. The argument soon heated up as we were standing there in each other's faces, yelling for over ten minutes straight.

He slapped the side of my face all of a sudden, "Shut up bitch!" I looked at him with tears in my eyes, I'm in pure shock. "The Zak I know wouldn't even dare to hurt me at all. Or even lay a finger on me like that. You're such a fucking asshole," I spat back with crying anger. He pushed me to the ground as I landed on my ass as my elbows were probed up. I tried not to cry as he screamed at me in a low voice, "I said shut the fuck up you bitch!!"

"What...what happened to you Zak?! You were so caring and such a sweetheart and everything..." Tears started to stream down my face and down my cheeks. All I saw when I looked at him was evil like the devil, which scared the living hell out of me. "If you don't shut up, I will kill you and your baby!" Ok, this is so definitely not Zak anymore. I can't believe Zak would let himself get possessed and not try to fight it.

I obeyed his rules as I became speechless, I could barely say anything at all. I soon whispered in honesty, "You're not even half of the man you used to be. You're just a bloody coward. All you do is spend your precious fucking time in your creepy ass dungeon, doing god knows what. Gracie misses you, Bella misses her daddy, and I miss my lovely boyfriend; who is pregnant with your future child."

We were now close to each other, face-to-face.

"The man you call Zak, who you once knew is gone now...and he will never return. You will be mine and obey my rules...and become my slave." His face was so close to mine as he pushed me more back to the floor. Bella and Gracie immediately came near my side for protection. They knew their mommy was being hurt. My whole body shook with pure fear, tears were still falling...I felt like I couldn't move. I've never in my life felt so terrified; especially around someone who your supposed to love.

But the more I looked into his eyes...the eyes that used to be so beautiful to me. The more I knew that whatever this was, wasn't Zak...this evil thing was taking over his body completely. Then, he started to hit and slap me as he kicked me in the chest and ribs; just missing the baby inside me. I groaned, cried, and screamed in pain....trying to get me to stop as he tried to have forceful sex with me. But I wouldn't let him and so he hit me more.

I screamed louder screaming stop, please stop. "Get up you fucking hoe," he spat at me. I was barely able to stand up as Bella sacredly ran back over by my side. I felt my cell phone in my pocket as I grabbed Bella up and started to pet her softly in my arms. I was thankful for myself not letting Zak hit her. She's so protective of me, her mommy and that's why I love having a pet.

"Take your cat and get the fuck out," he demanded. I tried to walk to the door without saying a word but he grabbed my hair back, "If you think you can run away can't Crystal. You can't ever hide from me." I was so horrified and even though I wanted to say more than I already have...I couldn't get any words out anymore. I was truly and honestly just mortified. He let go of me as I called for Gracie.

He said, "Dog stays here with me." I stood in the doorway as I looked at Gracie as Zak was holding her by her collar. She had a scared, worried, and sad look on her face. I didn't want to leave her there but I had no choice. I hope to God he doesn't hurt her. Zak loves Gracie more than anything, he wouldn't let anything happened to her.....that's like his baby. With that, I walked out of the door, tears streaming down my face as I sat on the last step of the stairs.

I dialed Nick as he answered right away.

"Hello?" "'s me." "Baby Bear...what's wrong...what happened?" "Its Zak Nick...he's...he's so different. It''s really bad...." I started to cry as I heard him putting his phone on speaker. It honestly almost hurt to cry even more I had cried so much. "Emily and Aaron are here with me Crys. Tell us everything that happened, calmly. Just take a deep breath for us." And so I did...I told them everything, besides the crying which I tried hard to stop.

In the end I said, "He...he kicked me out and he's got Gracie there with him guys. I'm really worried he might hurt her." Emily asked me, "Is the baby okay girl?" "Yeah Zak didn't hurt it but he was really close to." "He's possessed really bad dude," I heard Aaron say. Nick said, "I agree...where are you baby bear?" "I'm sitting on the front step of the house with Bella right beside me Nick."

"Here's what I'll do. I'll come and pick you two up, bring you over here to get you guys to calm down. I have some milk here for Bella at least, if she wants it." "I'll make some hot coco baby bear;" Em added in. "Thanks you guys." Nick continued saying, "I know your terrified but stay there for a bit longer til I get there. After we get you calmed down and come up with a plan...then all of us will come over there and take care of Zak."

"Thank you so much guys," I muttered. I tried not to cry more as Bella licked my cheek. She's just so sweet I swear. "I'll be there soon Crystal...just hang on for me ok?" Okay Nick. I will." I hung up my phone as my whole body was shaking and waiting for Nick to come pick us up.

Bella and me are both scared to death and worried...we're hoping that Nick and Aaron can save Zak from a powerful demon, before possessing him forever.

Teenage Dream (Zak Bagans Fanfiction) {Need to Re-edit}Where stories live. Discover now