Chapter 34: Getting the Old Zak Back

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After Bella and I calmed down, we came up with a plan.

We were ready to go back to Zak's house to get him back.

I have to admit I was really scared and anxious, but I knew deep down that he really loves me. I wasn't expecting any of this to happen at all; I wanted to know why bad things seem to keep happening. I can't imagine how Zak's mind will be after we get this demon out of him. We were all in Nick's car, driving to Zak's house, with me and Emily in the back. I was also holding Bella in my arms as she laid on my lap.

When we arrived back at his house...I slowly got out of the car as Aaron and Nick grabbed a bible, holy water, rosary, and candles with matches from the trunk. I was the last one to walk in the house as Gracie ran up to us. I put Bella down as she and Gracie licked and smelled each other; then Gracie came up to me. "Hey Gracie girl. Are you okay sweetie?" She licked my face sweetly and wagged her tai. The guys and Em petted her too as we all were in awe.

Aaron said, "Well it seems like she's okay."

Nick added in, "That's a really good thing too...that he didn't hurt her or anything." "Where's Zak anyway," Em asked. "Probably in our room," I responded. We all walked upstairs as I was the last one in Zak's bedroom. The bedroom was almost pitch black, with only a few candles lit up around the room. It's was super creepy to say the least. Everyone just looked at one another, trading faces, as they looked back at me.

Aaron whispered, "Dude, I didn't think he was this bad. I haven't seen him close like this since Bobby Mackey's." "Yeah I haven't either Aaron. It's just as worse and you know how bad that place this....we all do. Well, let's get this over with so that we can have him back fully okay," Nick said looking at us. Aaron nodded his head as Emily and I stood back.

She whispered, "I never thought I would have to actually see this in person..." "Me either either." "I can't imagine what he's done to know he's going to feel so bad about all of this. I'll be surprised if he cries." "I know he will probably...but we will just have to wait and see." We watched Nick and Aaron as they were getting ready.

They set up a few more candles around the room and lit them up. Nick opened up the bible as he held the rosary in his left hand underneath the bible. Aaron held the small bottle of holy water as Nick started to speak and Aaron was tossing some water on Zak. Zak was sitting on the bed screaming and shouting as Nick kept reading and Aaron tossing holy water on Zak.

Soon, Nick told us to shout something with all of us began to shout it out loud.

We all said, "I command you demon to send you back to hell. I command you demon to send you back to hell. I command you demon to send you back to hell!" Zak was laid stretched out on the bed with his back arched and him screaming like bloody murder.


All of the candles went out around the room as a cold blast of air came at all of us.

A huge black mass came out of Zak's mouth as he sat up and looked at all of us.

I saw his eyes tearing up as Aaron and Nick's eyes grew wide, because they have never seen Zak to cry like this. I mean as much as I know. Zak isn't much of a crier unless it's super emotional for him. I ran up and sat beside him as I looked at him. He whispered my name, "Crystal..." He started to cry as we hugged each other and I kissed his forehead. "Shhhhh baby it's okay, it's alright. Your back now and that thing is gone."

I started to tear up too as Zak and I stood up.

Emily, Aaron, and Nick joined us into a long group hug. I whispered as I rubbed Zak's back, "You're okay now're alright now." We all let go as they stood back and I looked at Zak. I wiped his tears as he said, "I'm so sorry baby for everything I did. I didn't mean to hit or say what I did. I'm so sorry for everything I put you, Bella, and Gracie through."

I watched him tear up again as we saw Gracie come up to him.

Zak bent down as Gracie licked his face and wagged her tail. All of us started to laugh as Zak petted her and chuckled, "I'm back Gracie girl, I'm back. I'm sorry for what I did...can you forgive me?" She licked his face more as she barked happily and laid by his side. Em giggled and said, "I would definitely take that as a yes Zak."

We all laughed again as Zak stood up and kissed me softly. "So can you forgive me baby girl?" I kissed him back as I responded, "Of course I do honey....I love you so much Zak." He smiled at me and kissed my stomach, "I love you so much too Crystal...and our new baby. Did I every hurt it? Is it alright?" "The baby's completely fine sweetie, don't you worry."

We hugged tightly as he suddenly said, "I'm going to take you out to a nice dinner make up for everything....what do you say baby?" I looked at the guys as they smiled at me, waiting for my response. "Yes. I would love to," I responded smiling big.

Just then, I saw that Nick picked up Bella as he handed her to Zak. Bella licked Zak's hand as I petted her also. "I think Bella forgives you too sweetheart." "We all forgive you," Aaron said. Everyone included me, nodded their heads as Zak put Bella down and looked at us.

"Thanks you guys...everyone...if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be back to my old self." Em and I stood next to each other as we let the guys have their own moment. They hugged one another as Nick and Aaron said it was alright and it was over now.

When they let go Em asked, "Anyone want to order pizza for lunch?"

Teenage Dream (Zak Bagans Fanfiction) {Need to Re-edit}Where stories live. Discover now