Chapter 10: We Felt Him and Playing Truth or Dare

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Zak, Nick, Aaron, Emily, and I were walking side-by-side, along the streets of Tampa. 

Of course fans of the show would see them and would want their autograph or a selfie picture with them. Emily and I were just standing beside each other when I began to feel a change. I began to feel a warm, loving, friendly presence between us. I looked at her with wide eyes, "Hey Em do you feel that?" "Yeah I can feel it clearly Baby Bear," she responded in a kind of happy but kind of sad tone. "Feel what," Aaron asked. "There is a warm, loving, friendly presence between Em and I Aaron," I said feeling a little emotional. I think I know though who exactly is around us two right now.  We both stayed where we were as Aaron, Nick, and Zak gathered around to feel it as well. 

And surly enough within a few seconds, they felt the same thing too. Zak started to talk about how wish they had some of their equipment so that they could document it. Emily and I suddenly felt something grab each of our hands; like someone came to greet us. But the two of us weren't even holding hands and no one else was that close between us. We both knew right in the moment that it had to be Jake. "Hey there Jake....we miss you," Em and I whispered quietly as tears were forming in our eyes. We felt Jake's spirit squeezing our hands a little tighter as a sign of that things were alright.

Zak and Nick asked for our cell phones so they can take a picture. 

Once they did and they took a few photos, they were surprised. In the first picture, you can see a tall male figure between Em and I looking like Jake was holding our hands. You couldn't see details but you could see a tall figure standing besides us; with an arm and hand intertwined me and Emily's arms. The second picture you can see his figure without holding our hands, just standing there. But in the third picture, he had completely disappeared . We didn't think about Jake much because of being so emotional and trying to get over the fact that he's gone.

But...I know that a part of me will forever miss him and I know Emily would be exactly the same. After walking in some abandoned alleyways, we soon came across an old building of sorts. I mean just by looking on the outside you can tell it was kind of old looking and run down. Like no one had taken care of it in years. Zak opened the door, finding that it was unlocked, and inside was a grayish room with chairs. Enough chairs for the five of us to sit in actually. It almost seemed like they were dining room chairs; just abandoned there. 

So then, we all decided to hang out here and just listen to music...because why not. Zak blasted music from his cell phone as we all sat in the chairs. They may be kind of old and run down, but they certainly are comfortable to sit in. Aaron and I were just messing around with one another like a couple kids. We were laughing, doing crazy weird things, and taking goofy pictures and then he posted it on his twitter page. While the music was playing, all of us were drinking some beer that the guys had brought from a store on the way here. 

We decided to play truth or dare for fun and since Zak and I are dating...I think it will be interesting. Aaron started it and asked me first. "Okay...truth or dare Baby Bear?" "Umm...I'll choose dare Aaron." "Hmmm...I dare you to give Nick a lap dance." "Wait a minute what," I said surprised. Nick and I looked at each other and he nodded his head at me. Zak looked like he was jealous, but I can't blame him. I did ask for a dare and it I can't back out from this.

So I sat on Nick's lap and I started to do it as good as I could. 

When I mean good, I mean good enough to where I think I caught him off guard. When Nick and I were face to face, he looked kind of shocked but in the end we both laughed. I just kept staring into his eyes and I remembered that I used to wish years ago I can kiss Nick, at least once. I then grinded my lower part against his area. I felt him getting a small bulge underneath, which made me get nervous and him to tense up some. Taking a breath, I got up and went to my chair silently. 

It was now Emily's turn and she decided to ask Zak. "Truth or dare Zak?" "Truth Emily." "Do you love Crystal?" Zak looked at me with honest eyes, then at Em, and then at me again. "Yes I very much do....a lot," he responded. Hearing that made me smile big, which made the others smile as well. It was my turn now and I asked Nick. "Truth or dare Nick?" "Dare." "I dare you to do a small striptease on Emily." Em looked at me like I'm going to get you later for this and Nick raised his eyebrows at me. I gave him a look like 'well I had to do one on you'. It turned out that they both enjoyed it but then...Nick got me back.

He dared Zak to do a small striptease on me!

Zak and I had to try so hard not to get turned on or to start kissing. I have never seen his man blush...but he did blush. When he got shirtless in-front of me, then I started to blush too. I grabbed his area to give him a little tease, which cause him to tense up. I think Zak had to stop himself after that so he wouldn't want to do much much more than that. I then dared Emily to make out some with Aaron. She looked at me like I was crazy and had three heads. Aaron just got up and went to Em, like he wanted to do it and get it over with. Maybe he doesn't seem to mind but he just looked a bit unsure.

She knew she couldn't back out so she shrugged her shoulders, "Oh what the hell." I'm not sure if they enjoyed it but oh well it was interesting at least. Hopefully she won't try and get me back for that later. After that was over, Zak then dared Aaron to run shirtless up the street saying the McDonalds Rap. Aaron denied to do it but Emily told him it was a dare and he couldn't back out either. Because none of us backed out of any of them ether. Poor Aaron was embarrassed to do that and all of us were busting out laughing the whole time.

Teenage Dream (Zak Bagans Fanfiction) {Need to Re-edit}Where stories live. Discover now