Chapter 17: Finally Back Home and Baking

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~Crystal's POV~

After for what seemed like forever, I was finally back home. I saw dad's car in the garage but mom's van wasn't there at all. I wonder when they'll be back home...I just hope that aunt Tara is doing alright. We all grabbed our things from the trunk of the car while I unlocked the back door. Emily and I set our things by the stairs, along with Aaron and Nick's just for now. I went back into the kitchen and it took me a minute to notice that mom left a note on the counter.

"Hey Honey!

I'm sure your father told you where we all are by now. I'm so sorry that we aren't there greeting you and Emily. But while we are gone, feel free to have Emily and the GA Crew stay there, if you like.

I don't mind at all and neither does your father.

Also feel free to do anything you want of course, even order food. You girls have to tell me about your trip when we come back. I want to hear all about it baby! I told your father to text you when we are on the way back too, by the way. I love you honey and I miss you.

Love, Mom."

I smiled at the note after I finished reading it.

"What's up," Em asked as she plopped herself on a kitchen stool. "Oh nothing. Just reading the note that mom left for me." "Can I read it?" I nodded my head, as she grabbed it and began it read it. Just then, Nick and Aaron walked into the kitchen; I'm guessing they were looking around outside the house. Aaron looked at me, "Baby Bear, you have a nice house." "Thanks Aaron." Nick asked, "Can Aaron and I stay here?" "Yeah of course, the note my mom left for me said that she doesn't mind you, Aaron, and Em staying here at all." "Really," he responded kind of shocked.

"Yup," Em said as she popped the 'p' and set the note from my mom; back down on the counter. She also said, "Baby Bear's parents are like very sweet and kind. Their the type of mom and dad who is loving and caring. But also protective at the same time ya know. They're like second parents to me. I've known them for years." Aaron said, "Well they sound like real lovely parents." "Yeah they are, Aaron. They really are." I then sighed a little as we were all sitting on stools by the counter. 

I haven't been on Twitter in awhile, so I got my phone out and logged in. I had to reset my password though since I couldn't remember it. It seems like I didn't miss too much at first glance. But I did get a couple more followers though! As I was strolling through what people tweeted, I saw someone tagging Zak in a tweet. I stopped and saw Zak beside a woman and what looked like to be in a club. I bet it was the club Zak went to that I heard on the radio.

I then saw the name....Ashley....Zak's crazy ex-girlfriend.

The tweet said on top of the photo, "Hangin out with this sexy guy @ZakBagans! Time to have some fun!! #PumpItUp!" 

So it seems like he ended things with me by letter, and went out to the club with his crazy ex girlfriend. I thought he hated her. Wait a minute....I also thought he told me that he was only talking nice to her; so that she would stop bugging him and leave him alone finally. Would he really do this or is there something else I'm missing here? I felt myself tense up real bad as Em grabbed my phone out of my hand; reading what I was staring at. 

About a minute later she shouted, "Are you fucking serious?! She looks like a damn fake Barbie doll!! What the hell was Zak doing with her, eww!" Em also said she looks like a 'wannabe' slut judging by her cloths and makeup. I almost chuckled to what she said. Nick and Aaron both asked at the same time, "What's wrong?" Emily then slid my phone carefully next to them as they saw and read it.

Aaron looked confused, "Well, it looks like they are at it again. But why is Zak with her? Dude; Nick...didn't Zak say he didn't want her anymore." "Yeah he did Aaron. I really don't know honestly, what is going on with him. But it's not like him at all," Nick responded back. I looked over at the oven clock and it was only 4:25pm. I sighed, "For some reason, I'm starting to crave chocolate. out of nowhere." Em laughed at me, "Well that's what happens when you're pregnant Baby Bear." "Yeah I guess so....we should all bake something!" She smiled in agreement, "Yes we should!" She jumped off the stool happily.

"Now what should we make...." She then made her thinking face as I then giggled. "Hey Baby Bear, do you still have the cake and cookie stuff we brought that time at the store?" "Yeah I believe so. Why do you ask Em?" "Well I was thinking that Aaron and I could make the cake while you and Nick make cookies." "Sure. Nick, you want to help us?" They both got off their stools and nodded their heads grinning like young kids in a candy store. "Alrighty then," Em said with a smile. I sighed as I turned off my phone, "Yeah I need to do something to get my mind off about that post."

Emily and I were getting the stuff out, but the guys wanted to help.

Nick noted, "Honestly Baby Bear, you looked like you wanted to choke the shit out of Zak's ex girlfriend." He and Aaron both chuckled as I felt myself blush some, but I decided to just push it aside for now. Hey I can't help it that I'm both pissed and jealous in a way. Em then put some dancing music on from Pandora on her phone and blasted it as 'Blow' by Kesha started. It was like a mini party in the kitchen. We were all dancing and messing around like idiots. Aaron was so happy like a four year old child, who just got a new toy.

This is one of the reasons why this girl is my best friend for life---this example right here. Em and Aaron were on one counter working on the cake batter, while Nick and I were on the other counter making the cookie dough. I was lucky enough to even have two mixers in the first place. One of them was mom's that she brought a long time ago I believe, and the other was a Christmas gift from Em. I was using the one Em gave me, while she was using mom's.

About thirty minutes later, Nick was measuring out the flour for me and added it in.  I said excitedly, "I love making chocolate chip cookies! They are just my favorite!" Nick laughed and responded, "I can certainly tell and yeah they are my favorite too." He smiled at me as I smiled back at him laughing. When all of the flour was mixed in, I shut the mixer off and added the chocolate chips in. Nick told me that he wanted to mix it this time. I nodded my head as I stood beside him.

I heard Em say, "Hey Baby Bear... how does this taste?" I walked up to her and tasted a little of the chocolate cake batter from her finger. "It's perfect Em." She smiled at me and asked Aaron to help her put the batter in a pan, and put it in the oven. I went and stood beside Nick who was finishing up mixing it. I then noticed that we made enough cookie dough for like about five batches! And that's a whole lot of cookies!

Nick looked at me and put a little bit of the dough on my nose. He laughed as I looked down at my nose, "Nick, did you really have to?" He smiled widely chuckling, "Yup, I surly did and it looks cute too." We both ended up laughing as I got it off with my finger and ate it. I smiled, "Mmm...I like eating raw cookie dough so much." "So do I trust me," Nick said as he then tried some. Aaron and Em came over to have a little. So we all ended up eating some raw cookie dough. When we were done, it looked like we could make about four or 4 and a half batches of chocolate chip cookies.

I suddenly felt like Cookie Monster eating cookies and cookie dough, but I also love him too.

Teenage Dream (Zak Bagans Fanfiction) {Need to Re-edit}Where stories live. Discover now