Chapter 5: The Feelings

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~ Zak's POV ~

Crystal and Emily finished the song with a big grin on their faces. 

Nick, Aaron and I clapped and cheered them on as they just giggled. Nick asked, "How did you guys come up with the dance to that song?" Emily answered, "Baby Bear and I love that song Nick. So one day while I was over her house, we just randomly started dancing to it and soon we decided for it to be our dance ever since then." Crystal just nodded in response, agreeing to her best friend. I couldn't help but feel that they did it partly on purpose.

Some parts, I would get wide-eyed and nervous like some. Listening to the words and how they were dancing was making me think that Crystal was trying to lead me on. But I do admit I was constantly staring at her. She just looked so beautiful, innocent, and sexy. I started to feel little awkward and Crystal I think did to. Since she was near me, I could feel it from her. We were all just talking about different things, making jokes, stuff like that. 

Crystal then looked at me...we were lost in each other's eyes. While everyone else was blabbing, I felt like time stopped and it was just me and her. I don't know how I exactly feel about her but I hope I'm not growing to be attached to her. I mean we were just meeting each other. Well she may know me a little but I don't know her. Crystal started to be really quiet and shy. She seemed to be lost in thought and I was starting to get a little worried.

~ Crystal's POV ~

While we were all talking and stuff, I decided to look at Zak who seemed a little quiet. 

I then regretted looking at him because I cannot look away from his eyes. I felt like I was hypnotized and my feelings for him started to come back again, even though I tried to ignore them...which worked until now. I started to eye strip Zak honestly...imagining what his sexy abs looked like underneath the shirt he was wearing. I just kept having images like this. I started to get really quiet and shy because I was getting butterflies and I felt my 'area' starting to become a little wet.

"Oh god not now," I thought to myself. I was trying not to make it noticeable. A couple minutes later, I was still feeling the same way as I stared at the ground. I started to walked away from everyone, unknowingly to them at first. I heard them mumble something, like wondering what is up with me all of a sudden. I thought Emily would be walking to me, but instead it was Nick. He asked, "Crystal are you okay?" I replied shyly, "Yeah I guess so..." "It doesn't seem like your you wanna talk to me about it love? Whatever it is you can tell me." 

I just nodded my head and  decided to tell him my major crush on Zak and all; also like me trying to put aside my feelings for him, and when I was looking at him, it all came back. "Well you never know until you try, you know. But it is normal of course to have crushes. I also understand the age difference some. But you never know how he'll feel....and yet he has been a-little quiet too. Now that I'm thinking about it. I also think that song you and your friend Emily singed and danced to, made Zak go into thinking."

Nick then chuckled to himself.

I responded back while looking at him, "I understand what you mean but I'm afraid to say anything though. I'm afraid I would get turned down and ended up getting hurt like I mostly do anyway, in the past." "Well Crystal, as long as I have known Zak, he is not that type of guy. Even though you are a fan, you are a really beautiful woman. Don't worry though, I completely get not wanting someone to know how you feel. But that is partly how I got my wife back she is gone sadly." 

"I get what you mean but thank you Nick for saying's very sweet of you. What...what happened to your wife? If you don't mind me asking that is...." "She and my young daughter got into a car accident and passed away in the hospital." "I'm really sorry to hear that Nick; I hope you're doing okay. That had to be so very devastating for you." "Don't be sorry its fine. I did take it pretty hard at first but as time goes on, I accept the fact that they are gone but I know how to try to contact them and to always remember them."

"At least that's a good thing I suppose... "

But like I said Crystal, you never really know. Just think about it okay? Maybe he'll surprise you," he said while winking at me. I responded, "Okay Nick thanks," with a small smile as he walked back over with Zak, Aaron and Emily. Emily then looked at me with concern. She knows me better than anything as a best friend and can tell what is bothering me, without even saying anything. She knows I really like Zak and my major celebrity crush on him.

I am wondering if I should or shouldn't tell Zak how I feel. But yet he could just say something and I would get hurt. But Nick told me that Zak isn't that type of guy. Now I'm starting to get confused and I don't know what to do exactly. I mean I've been trying to push aside this feelings but I just can't no loner. So without thinking twice about it, I started to cry softly. I sat on the ground and put my knees against my chest. My heart was pounding wildly, it was hard for me to say anything or think properly, and feeling very conflicted overall. 

These feelings are really getting to me when they shouldn't be...

Teenage Dream (Zak Bagans Fanfiction) {Need to Re-edit}Where stories live. Discover now