Chapter 6: Addmitted It to Him and Some Trouble

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~ Zak's POV ~

Nick is refusing to tell me what is bothering Crystal and now I'm starting to get mad. 

I noticed that Crystal sitting on the ground with her knees to her chest. I think she might be crying. So I walked up to her cautiously, bended down, and started to wipe her tears away. She looked up and noticed it was me. She gave me a small smile and looked down. She muttered softly, "I'm sorry Zak..." "Don't be sorry really don't be, okay?" I had my hands on her shoulders and felt a chill going through my spine. She just nodded and looked at me, like she just got the same feeling that I felt. 

My stomach started to suddenly get in knots as I was constantly staring at her...she's absolutely beautiful and doesn't even know it. She admitted while looking into my eyes, "Zak you know...that even though a lot of girl fans have a crush on you, it's different when it comes to me. I have deep feelings for you Zak. I have actually for a very long time..." I was in shock some but also wasn't sure how to respond back to that. I knew something was bothering her but I didn't think that this was it. 

Is this what is really bothering her? Has she been in love with me for years and now meeting me is making it hard for her? But yet it was true...a lot of fans tend to have a crush on me or tell me that I was hot or sexy. I've gotten used to it honestly. But this young woman just told me she has deep feelings for me. I was speechless as she could tell that I didn't know what to say. I feel like I want kiss her lips softly but I don't know if I should.

But the more we stared at each other, the more the looks and gut feelings intensified.

I stared at her lips, then at her eyes.

I leaned in and softly placed a kiss on her lips.

She looked surprised but returned the kiss with a soft faint moan that she held in. I giggled as she loosing herself up as I wrap my arms around her and she wraps her arms around my just kissing. I didn't wanna go far for now since Nick, Aaron, and Emily were nearby. But I just bit her lip lightly and she didn't hesitate at all as she let my tongue roam her mouth. I felt her smile some which caused me to smile. 

I think I am starting to have some feelings for her because I am trying to control myself completely without going too far with her now. A few minutes later, we both let go and I felt like there was a little lust in my eyes. I have to stop myself from going too far. This isn't like me but it's like his woman has me under a love spell. I looked at her and she looked confused but happy. I smiled shyly, "You are a wonderful kisser Crystal."

She just blushed and looked away. I put one of my hands on her check and turned her head so she is looking to me. She responded, "You very much are too Zak...if I do say so myself." I just laughed at her comment. She suddenly giggled, "You might wanna look down sexy pants..." She giggled again and blushed. I raised my eyebrows and looked down. I was starting to grow a bulge! I looked down not knowing what to say or do except blush.

She just laughed, grabbed my hand and said, "Don't worry Zak, it's okay—we can make time alone for us...if you want more." She winked at me and I smiled big, helping her to stand back help. I whispered in her ear, "I would love to Baby Bear." She just smiled, giggled, and blushed  as I walked over with Nick, Aaron, and Emily as she came along behind me.

~ Crystal's POV ~

My heart was jumping for joy for what just happened between Zak and me. 

For some reason, I felt a spark though when we kissed. I wonder if he felt the same thing. But all of it happened so fast...I didn't even think twice to not tell him that I had deep feelings for him. I wonder what Zak is exactly feeling actually. But overall, Zak is a sweet, funny, sexy guy. Actually, they are all nice guys and I'm sure Emily thinks the same. Emily then grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me away with her so we can talk.

She asked, "What did really happen back there?" "What are you talking about Em?" "You and Zak....I saw you guys kissing...almost making out..." "Oh yeah about that-" "Baby bear, give me the details ... I wanna know!!!" She put on her pout face as I just laughed. "Okay well Nick gave me some advice and other stuff." "What kind of stuff?" "Well ... he did tell me that his wife and young daughter died in a car crash. But he is doing okay." 

I saw Em get sad and happy. 

Sad because she feels bad for Nick and happy because she has a crush on Nick and she is like dying to flirt with him. Em and I being speechless... Nick, Aaron, and Zak tell us that we can go out for dinner. We see a restaurant nearby so we all walk there together. The guys get a table for five and we all sit down and order our drinks. Aaron says to Zak, "Dude, what went on with you and Crystal?" "Just drop it Aaron," Zak said angrily. 

Emily, Nick, Aaron and I were surprised by Zak's attitude. 

I had to stop myself from tearing up because I started to think that I did something wrong. My phone vibrated and it was a text from Emily. "Baby bear don't even think you did something wrong because you didn't okay?" I just responded back, "Okay." I looked at her and gave her a small smile. Since I got Zak's, Nick's, and Aaron's number I could just text them anytime. So I decided to text Aaron, asking him if he was okay. "Yes I'm alright...thanks for asking...I just don't know what is going on with him..." 

"You think I did something wrong Aaron?" "Crystal I really don't think you did anything wrong. Nick thinks so too. We both think that you were just telling him how you feel." "Which I did...I just wish I knew why he got mad." "Nick and I do to." After all that, we all didn't say anything much and the air around us felt uncomfortable. Zak only half ate when his phone went off. He groaned and answered it as he walked a few feet away.

I heard him saying, "Sweetie just because I'm with a girl, doesn't mean I love her. Crystal doesn't even mean anything to me. She's ugly and dresses like a slut...and even if I did kiss her, it didn't mean anything to me. Crystal's friend Emily is like a slut too. They both are. Sweetie don't be like know I love you. Crystal is a fake fan girl who just wants me..." I turned back around, feeling tears forming in my eyes. 

I took a breath and calmed down. I put my fork down and left to go outside the small restaurant. I sat down on the bench and started to cry. Nick came, sat down beside me and said, "Crystal what happened? What's wrong?" I only managed to choke out, "Zak..." Nick wrapped his arms around me allowing me to put my head on his shoulder. I knew then he was comforting me just trying his best to help.

"Crystal tell me what you know...what did you hear Zak saying?" He said it softly only letting me hear it. I then told Nick word for word what I heard Zak say. I looked at him and asked, "Do you know who he is talking to?" "Honestly, I really don't know." He wiped my tears and said, "Crystal your young and very beautiful. Your sweet, kind, and just need someone like me to comfort you." "Thank you Nick..." "Anytime." "Nick, I don't mean for what you just said to me ... for comforting me, being concerned, and for just everything considering we met." 

"Remember what I'm able to do and feel Crystal...I feel that you and Emily are just two young beautiful sweet girls who are big fans of us." All I can manage to do was just look back at him and smile...Em, Aaron, and Zak all then came outside. Zak looked at me and I looked at him. I was angry at him for hearing what I hear him say and I think he can feel it...I know Nick and Aaron can. But Em doesn't know what he said and honestly I don't know if I should tell her. 

I know Emily will get really mad...madder than me really. Especially if Zak said something about her...she would end up cursing his ass out in a heartbeat. I looked into Zak's eyes and I saw what looked like hurt and regret...and wait...some jealously? Why in the world would Zak be jealous? Does he really think something is going on with Nick and me? But Zak doesn't seem like me in that way so why should I even care. 

Teenage Dream (Zak Bagans Fanfiction) {Need to Re-edit}Where stories live. Discover now