Chapter 19: Finally Found Him

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~Two Days Later~

Emily was driving in her car with Aaron, Nick, and I to the address that Zak said he was being held at, by psycho ass Ashley.

Several policemen are following along behind us in their cars. We had to go to our local police station to tell them the whole story and to get help to day Zak out. After awhile, they believed us of course and agreed to help us since they were the famous Ghost Adventure Crew. If anything, at least Emily got permission to slap Ashley in the face. I mean she does deserve a slap after all. Nick and I were in the back seat as he asked me in my ear, "Are you going to tell Zak about you and me...from that day?" I looked at him and responded softly, "Well, if I do...I know he will be mad at both you and me. I don't know what came over me honestly."

"I think we were just caught up in the moment since you were so upset and did it out of comfort. Put it this way, I think it's best to leave it in the past Crystal. Also I will get over whatever I felt for you but it will just take time. Besides...l'm actually starting to really like Emily a lot; she's an amazing young woman. I will talk to him about it all though someday soon trust me. You and Zak are meant to be—you're also happy and that's what matters the most to me."

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

I smiled, squeezed his hand, and kissed him on the cheek. I stated, "Thank you so much Nick. That means a lot to me. And I'll let Emily find out on her own about you liking her." "Ah, it's nothing really for a wonderful friend. Yeah Baby Bear don't spoil it for me." He then gave me the big, kid smile. I just laughed and smiled back at him. I'm actually glad he said all that so we can put what happened behind us. Nick is a great guy overall and so is Aaron...they both make really amazing friends. They're so naturally cool and generous overall that it warms my heart.

I heard Aaron say to us, "We're here guys...park near the door Em." "Alrighty," she said as she was doing just that. Once she parked, she turned around and asked me, "Ready to get your man back and get justice?" "I'm more than ready Em. Let's go get Zak guys!" I smiled at her as she smiled back at me, knowing that I was about to be the most happiest person on the planet. We got out the car with Aaron and Nick as the policemen were loading up to break in the hotel room door. I won't lie admitting that my heart was going a million miles an hour. I'm not sure if it's the sudden nervousness or the adrenaline but it's pounding wildly.

We went in through main door of the hotel as Aaron asked for where the room number was. The lady at the front desk told us how to get there, also wondering why we had policemen with us. The policemen went first to the room and forcefully broke in the door. They went in and got Ashley on the ground quickly by the bathroom door and immediately handcuffed her. Emily, Nick, Aaron, and I stood in the doorway of the room as one of the nice policemen untied Zak. As soon as they untied him fully and got him up, I ran into his arms happily. "Oh, Zak!" I exclaimed as I had tears in my eyes.

I put my head in his chest and he wrapped his arms tightly around me. He grabbed my chin as he looked at me, "I have never in my fucking life been so glad to see all you and everyone else again." I giggled and smiled, "Just kiss me already baby, I know you want to." He chuckled and softly kissed me on my lips and I kissed back. "Thank you for saving me baby and not giving up on me. I love you." "Your welcome and I love you too Zak." When we let go, a tear fell down my cheek as Zak wiped it away.

He asked me, "Why are you crying baby?"

"Zak...I thought I wasn't going to ever see you again after everything that happened. I'm sorry that I thought you would really do this to me. I knew you well enough after thinking a lot to know that you really wouldn't." "Sweetie, please don't say you're sorry. I was the one being dumb all along. I should've stopped Ashley from writing that letter but I didn't even know she did it. I'll never let this happen ever again. I know this will be hard as the road goes on but as long as I have you, Nick, Aaron, and Emily in my life....that's all I really need."  All I could do was just smile as I hugged him tightly, knowing that I have the love of my life back. He hugged me back tightly as the policemen got Ashley up off the floor.

They were ready to go and take her to custody.

Em went up to her and slapped her hard right across the face.

Ashley started to cry and Em was pissed off, "You better fucking not do this again to us or even threaten my best friend anymore, you back-biting little bitch. I've had enough with your bullshit trying to get Zak back and planting a bunch of shit. But guess what...he isn't yours anymore hoe!! You don't ever deserve him seeing how nasty and fake you are. And you will never get him. Crystal and Zak are meant to be together and that is the way it's going to stay. So deal with it bitch!" I started to laugh, not being able to hold it in to what Em said. I then saw a big red mark, clear across on Ashley's cheek.

Nick, Aaron, and Zak started to laugh too in surprise as the policemen were taking her away. I went up to the one that untied Zak, "I cannot thank you enough for all of this. Thank you so much for everything and helping us out with this." He smiled kindly at all of us, "It's no problem at all for you girls and the Ghost Adventures Crew. Besides, from looking at how you and Zak are, it looks like you two are meant to be. I wish you all the best of luck in the future. This crazy one will go behind bars where she needs to be."

I blushed some without knowing and we all said thanks. Once we got back to the front desk, Zak took care of the hotel room and left the building. We helped Zak get his stuff into his car as I decided to ride with him back to the house. Nick and Aaron would ride with Emily back as Zak and I will be following along behind them. Along the car ride with Zak, we didn't let go of each other's hands the whole time. He sighed as he said, "I'm so very sorry for everything that I did to you baby. I feel horrible about it all."

I responded back, "Zak I was really upset about it but it's in the past don't worry about it. Like people keep saying honey, we are meant to be and I want to be with you forever." He smiled at me, "I feel the same way baby. And I'm so glad to have you." He kissed my hand and I felt safe again. Throughout all this trouble, Zak and I are over it and now we can slowly begin our new life together. I then remembered something that he needed to know. I looked at him nervously, "Hey baby I think you should know something..." He looked back at me and asked, "What is it?"

I took in a breath, "Well....I'm pregnant with your baby..."

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