Part 2

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"Er ok Jacob I need you to start shifting a few rocks" Ian asked.
"Wait isn't that dangerous?" Said Jez looking up at Ian.
"Well we can't just sit here and do nothing!" Connie snapped. Jacob had moved about five rocks when the ceiling started creaking.
"Ok people we need to move fast, Jez do you think you can slide her out yet?" Hurried Jacob.

"Yeah I think so, just" Ian and Jez had managed to slide her out with Maria screaming in pain. They suspected two broken legs.

She was soon on the board and Ian and Jez were moving out quickly with the other two behind grabbing the med bags. "Connie, lets go". Jacob urged, hearing the sound of more rubble about to fall. Connie started walking in front of Jacob as quickly as she could. Jacob heard the rubble coming and knew that they weren't getting out in time.

Suddenly, he pushed Connie to the ground, she gave out a shocked scream, and Jacob lied down on top of her. Rocks fell down onto the pair, cutting into Jacob's back. She then realised that he had done this to protect her from all of the rubble, immediately feeling guilty and wished it was her instead of him.

Connie was soon being squashed from the weight of Jacob and the rocks that had fallen on him. The rubble had eventually stopped falling and Jacob was wincing and moaning at his damaged back. He managed to roll off of Connie and she slowly got to her feet.

"Jacob? Jacob look at me! We need to get out of here ok? Do you think you can stand?"

"Connie, are you ok? I'm so sorry, my one job was to keep you safe and I almost squashed you-"
She shut him up by kissing him deeply on the mouth. Before she could get carried away she remembered Jacob's condition and pulled away. "Listen to me Jacob, you saved my life and now I'm going to get you out of here." He nodded and stumbled to his feet groaning in pain. 

Jacob limped out of the building with Connie holding on to him to stop him from falling.  Ian and Jez rushed towards them and helped Jacob onto a trolley. "Bloody hell Connie how are you not hurt? We heard the collapse and to be honest didn't know if either of you would be conscious." Jez was so confused.

"He stopped me from getting hurt." Connie said not wanting to remove her hand off of Jacob. She'd rather take care of him and then go into detail of what happened, so she cut the conversation at that. She helped Ian to remove Jacobs shirt and green coat in the back of the ambulance.

Jacob was lying on his front as Connie began to take a look at his injuries. She was relieved to see that there was no severe bleeding, but he was still very bruised and injured. Connie carefully began to remove any grit and dirt from his wounds causing him to wince every now and then. "I'm sorry Jacob just stay strong for me ok. We're almost there, Jez give him 5 of morphing."

"My back, is it bad?" He asked innocently.
"No Jacob just a few cuts and bruises your going to be absolutely fine." She said wanting so bad to just hug him and make all the pain go away.

They arrived at the hospital and Jacob was patched up in no time. Connie had insisted on staying with him throughout, but Charlie demanded that he check her over. When she finally gave in, Charlie noticed a bruised rib on the X-Ray and gave her some pain killers.

Connie went back in to cubicles to check on Jacob. "Hey sweet-cheeks." She smirked at her adorable nickname. "Hey, how's the pain?" She asked sympathetically.
"I'm soldiering on Mrs. B. How's your rib anyway?"
"Oh yeah I'm fine it could've been a lot worse if it wasn't for you." Connie inched closer towards him until their foreheads met. "Why did you have to come Jacob? If you hadn't come you wouldn't be hurt right now, nobody asked for a nurse."
Jacob pulled away from her forehead and looked deeply into her eyes, "because I'd rather die then live in a world without you. So I couldn't just wait in the ED not knowing if you were going to be ok."
She had to stay strong and not get pulled back into the love she had for him. "No Jacob! That's not your job. Your job is to be a nurse and I can't keep getting into situations like this anymore." Just as Connie was having her rant somebody burst through the cubicle curtains...

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