Couldnt resist

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Connie woke from her deep slumber at 5:00 am. She hated the mornings, but nevertheless she pulled off the covers and got out of bed. After a yawn and a stretch, Connie walked to the shower. She stood under the water and cleansed herself.
5 minutes later Connie was changing into a white blouse and smart black trousers. She then walked downstairs to get some breakfast with Grace still asleep. She walked into her large kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee and ate an apple whilst she waited for it.
Once she had done her makeup and hair, which fell in perfect brown curls, she left a note for Grace telling her what time the taxi would be here and headed out for work.

Meanwhile, Jacob was having much more of a busy morning as he drove to work. He spotted a gang of teenagers beating up somebody down an alleyway. Without hesitation he pulled up on the curve and got out of his car. "Hey!" Jacob shouted jogging towards the gang. A few of them ran off, but a couple didn't hear Jacob, as they carried on kicking the boy in the ribs and head. Jacob picked up the two boys by the scruff of the neck and threw them away from the boy on the ground. They immediately scrambled to their feet and sprinted as far as they could.
"Are you alright kid?" Jacob asked.
"I think so, who are you?" The boy asked holding his ribs and head.
"I'm a nurse. My names Jacob I'm on my way to work now, so we can go straight there. I think your ok to travel. What's your name?" Jacob helped the boy to his feet.
"Ryan." He winced, limping towards Jacob's car.
Connie was driving to work when she spotted Jacob's car pulled up on the curb. She pulled up next to it to ensure everything was OK. Jacob was helping the boy into his car when he saw Connie. "Hey sweet-cheeks. What are you doing here?" He smiled at her.
"I could ask you the same thing." She smirked playfully.
"Just saving a kid from getting beaten up by a gang." He said casually.
"Ooo very impressive. Are you going to take him in now?"
"Yep better go. See you at work." He moved back towards his car and got in. Connie got back into hers and they both drove to work.

"We've really got to stop meeting like this." Jacob and Connie simultaneously got out of the car and shut the doors behind them in the car park of the ED. Connie laughed and helped Jacob get Ryan out of the car who was in more pain from when Jacob first got to him. "Ok Ryan, I'm a doctor but you can call me Mrs. Beauchamp." She said helping him sit down in a wheel chair. Ryan had short brown hair and was no taller then 5'6. He wore a red Nike t-shirt with black shorts that went just above the knee.
They wheeled him into an empty cubicle where Ryan moved himself onto the bed. "Ryan, other then your ribs what else hurts." Asked Connie.
"My ankle and my head." Jacob took a closer look at the cut on the side of Ryan's head, it was quite deep and was going to need stitches.

"I need to stitch that up for you mate. It might sting, but it'll be over in no time." Jacob gathered the equipment needed to stitch up the cut. Connie called for a head CT and an X-Ray, she then went to put her stuff down in her office.
"Mrs. Beauchamp. Would you mind taking a look at my patient for me? Her symptoms just don't add up." Dr. Hardy asked knocking on Connie's open door. She sighed and followed Ethan to the patient he was talking about. Just as she got to the cubicle where the patient was, Jacob came rushing out to find her. "Connie! Connie, Ryan just fell unconscious about 2 minutes ago." Jacob panicked not knowing what to do.
Connie walked swiftly to Ryan who was sitting up unconscious on the bed.
"Ryan? Ryan can you hear me?" Connie gently shook him to see if he'd just passed out, but he didn't respond. "Ok, straight to resus." She said starting to wheel him there.
Ryan was hooked up to the machines, which showed a very low pulse, the only problem was they didn't know why. "Ok, let's go straight to CT. I think he's got a bleed on the brain."

Connie was absolutely right. The CT showed a tiny bleed on the brain which they could easily operate on. As per usual, theatre was busy for at least 4 hours.
Ryan had woken up just as they returned back to resus. "Welcome back." Said Jacob.
"What the hell happened?" Ryan asked confused.
"You passed out. We know now that you have a small bleed on the brain, but we can easily fix it. Although, we will have to operate pretty soon to stop the bleed getting any bigger." Connie broke it to him as gently as possible. Jacob couldn't stand to be there any longer, he couldn't help feeling guilty. He should've just called an ambulance, sitting up in a car might've damaged it even more.

Ryan's eyes widened in fear, he looked to Jacob for some sort of explanation, as to how his condition had gone from bad to worse. "But, but you said I'll be back playing footy with my mates soon."
"Yeah you will be. It just might be 2 weeks instead of one, but I promise you your going to be fine." Ryan looked drowsy again.
"Ryan talk to me. Is everything ok?" Connie was concerned.
"I've got a banging headache." He said raising a hand to his right temple. Ryan shut his eyes and had passed out yet again.
"Ok, the bleed is getting worse. We need to operate as soon as possible." Connie rang theatre again, but still no good.
"Connie... Your gonna have to do it." Jacob sounded desperate as he couldn't lose this kid.
"Jacob, I'm a heart surgeon. I don't know if I'll be able to do it." She sighed.
"I'm sorry." He pinched the bridge of his nose and walked out of the room, leaving a confused Connie behind.
He moved past reception and and pushed open the doors. Jacob walked straight over to a bench outside and sat down, resting his head in his hands.
As much as Connie wanted to find Jacob and make sure he was ok, she couldn't leave her patient. Time was ticking. If she didn't operate soon the bleed would get a lot bigger making it more difficult to sort out.
Jacob's thoughts made him man-up as he picked himself up and walked back into the hospital. He walked back into resus where Ryan lay and noticed Connie and Jac scrubbing up. "Jacob, you need to get into scrubs. We need to operate now. Theatre is still a 3 hour delay." Hurried Connie passing him some operating clothes to put on. Without a moments hesitation he pulled on the clothes and got ready for the operation.
Jacob gave Ryan some drugs to knock him out fully and Connie and Jac got on with the job. Connie made a slit on the top of Ryan's head where she was then able to drain out the blood from the bleed. It was a fairly simple operation, with Jacob passing the two equipment every now and then.

The operation was successful and Ryan was wheeled up to a ward to recover, with his parents on their way. Connie and Jacob were taking off their bloody operation clothes back in resus. "So are you going to tell me what happened earlier, when you walked out on me." Connie raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, I just needed time to think that's all." He felt embarrassed about walking out the way he did.
"About what?" Connie took a step closer towards him now back in her usual clothes.
"I just felt guilty. I should've called an ambulance, they would've had the right equipment. I mean I didn't even ask how long he was down for." Connie noticed Jacob getting frustrated with himself. She put a hand on his arm to calm him down, "If it wasn't for you, Jacob, then that boy would've been in a situation a lot worse, because the ambulance would've taken much longer. If anything it was the opposite of your fault." They gazed into each other's eyes. Both wanting the other so badly, one of them just had to make the move.

Connie inched closer to him and put a hand on his cheek. He loved her so much and couldn't resist her any longer. Jacob kissed her lips gently waiting for her response and when she kissed back he kissed her again. This time with more passion, like it was the last kiss he'd ever have. Fortunately, there was nobody in resus to ruin their beautiful moment. Connie kissed him with every hope that this kiss would be the turning point in their relationship.
The doors of resus were opened by Rita who stood in front of the pair with her hands on hips and eyebrows raised. They pulled away from each other and couldn't find any words to explain themselves, so they both just laughed and soon Rita joined in too. "Sorry." Connie laughed.
Connie held Jacob's hand, as she walked out of resus and into her office where the kiss was continued for a while until it was time to go home.

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