Girl in need of help

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Jacob pushed open the doors of the ED and looked left and right for a sign of Ella outside. He walked round the corner to the benches where he saw her sitting on one twiddling her thumbs.
Jacob ensured that he approached her calmly, so he didn't scare her off. "Ella, are you ok?" He asked cautiouslywalking up to the bench. She tuned her head to look at him, eyes wide, quickly making sure that he was alone. "Hey, it's ok I just want to talk to you."
Ella nodded so Jacob sat down on the bench next to her. "Is everything ok with you and your dad? He was really worried y'know."
"He's not my dad!" She snapped. "He's my step-dad, but ever since my mum died he's been so weird. Please help me get away from him, I can't take it anymore especially when he calls me darling and kisses me. I just hate it! Please help me." Ella begged as tears sprung her eyes. She began to cry, so Jacob put an arm around her and pulled her close.
"It's ok don't cry. I'll help you, but only if you come inside and talk about this."
Ella lifted her off of Jacob's chest, "no, if he sees me he won't let me go."
"Not if I'm with you. I promise he won't be going anywhere near you with me by your side." She smiled at him, "thank you."

They got up and walked back into the hospital. Mr. David spotted them straight away and run towards Ella. He hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek which she cringed at and looked at Jacob for help. "Ok, Ella needs to go and have some tests done back in cubicles, so if you'd like to wait by reception and I'll send someone to talk to you then." Jacob smiled at him professionally.
"What!? Why? She's my daughter why can't I stay with her? I need to make sure she is ok" the man was starting to get suspicious of this situation.
"Sir I can assure you that Ella is in good hands. Now if you just wait by reception, I can explain everything then." Jacob went to move away with Ella by his side before Mr.David could ask anymore questions.
Connie walked towards Jacob. "Jacob what's going on? Why is Ella out of bed? I'm not ready to discharge her yet."
"It's a long story, but right now I need to get Ella back to cubicles." He said not making eye contact with her.
Connie followed the pair back into cubicles where they drew the curtains shut. Ella sat back on the bed and Connie wanted answers as to what was going on.
"Right what on earth was that about out there?" She asked, hands on hips.
"Not here." He said through gritted teeth.
"Ella I'm going to talk to Mrs. Beauchamp outside for a second ok." Before Ella could argue he was already out of the cubicles where Connie joined him.
"He's not her real dad. She ran out of the hospital as soon as she had a chance to get away, because she hates him. She literally begged for me to help her get away from him, but she's so scared that he's going to stop her. I need to talk to him about Ella moving to live with her aunt. Could you contact social services for me?"
"Yeah of course. Are you going to leave her alone in there?" Connie asked gesturing to the guy watching on at them at reception.
"That's a good point. Robyn?" Robyn turned around to look at them.
"Yeah Jacob?" She smiled.
"You couldn't watch the girl in there for a few minutes could you?"
"Er yeah I guess." Jacob thanked her and moved to talk to Ella's step dad.

"Hello, Mr. David why don't we go somewhere more quiet." They moved to a relatives room and sat down. "Ella-"
"Is a fantasist I know"
"I'm sorry what?" Jacob said confused.
"Ever since her mum died she's been strange and... I don't know she has these episodes where she lashes out..."
"Ok, we can get her help for stuff like that later on down the line. Anyway, Ella is clearly not happy staying with you. So, we are going to figure out a way for her to be happy-"
"What are you talking about! Not happy! I love her!" He was beginning to get angry with Jacob very quickly, not seeing his point.
"Ok just calm down. I understand where your coming from, but we have to do what's in the best interest for Ella, as she is still under aged."

Connie walked into the room. "Sorry to interrupt, but Jacob can I have a quick word?"
Jacob got up and walked out of the room.
"Yeah what's up?"
"I contacted social services and they have records that say that Ella's step-dad was in prison for 4 years for assault on his wife."
"That will make sense why she hates him then." Jacob sighed, glancing back through the window in the door. He was gone. Jacob pulled open the door checking for any sign of Mr. David. Nothing... "Shit! He must've gone through the back door without us realising."

Connie and Jacob rushed back to the cubicle where Ella was left last. He swiped open the curtain to find an empty bed. There wasn't any sign of Robyn either to even ask where she was. Without a seconds hesitation, Jacob ran through the corridor and past reception where he got a few angry stares for running through people.
He pushed open the doors and searched outside. Connie had caught up behind him, "Jacob lets just call the police. We don't know how dangerous this guy is." She knew that this was a perfect opportunity for Jacob to be the hero again and he would never listen to her.
"No, I promised that I'll keep her safe. So, you call the police and I'll keep looking." Connie didn't even have time to tell him to be careful and not reckless like he usually is, before he'd run off in the direction of the car park.
He spotted a blond girl being pulled by her hair towards a car. Ella was screaming for him to let go, but he just tightened his grip on her.

"Hey!" Jacob sprinted towards them. "Let go of her right now, before the police get here and make this a whole lot worse for you."
Mr. David turned to face Jacob with an ugly smirk on his face. "And what is a silly nurse like you gonna do about it? Ya gonna hit me." He laughed.
"No, because I don't go to prison for assault like you."
"Shut up about that! You have no idea!" He said getting angry. This distracted him enough to loosen his grip on Ella's hair giving her a chance to kick him in the balls and run.
Mr. David held onto his balls and yelped in pain.
Jacob stood there laughing and Ella hid behind him so that she was out of her step-dad's reach. He turned around for a brief second thinking the guy was down, "you ok?" She nodded. "Great kick by the-"
"Watch out!" Mr. David had got up and thrown a right hook at the side of Jacob's head, unbalancing him to the ground. He was not expecting that.
"You still not gonna fight back! Huh? Yeah say something now smart ass!" He said, repeatedly kicking Jacob in the head. His head buzzed as the sound of Ella's screaming began to drain away. He was hopeless. As much as he tried, there was no way he was getting out of this one.
Ella frantically shouted for help.

Connie rushed over to the sound of the girl's screams with the police. When she saw Jacob on the floor she gasped and clapped a hand to her mouth. The police pulled the man off of Jacob and arrested him immediately. Connie ran to Jacob's side lying on the floor.
"Jacob can you hear me?" She crouched down to get a better look at his condition. He had a split lip and a deep laceration to the head, but Jacob was conscious. He felt vulnerable on the floor bleeding like this so he used all of his strength he had left to pick himself up.
"Jacob just stay down for a bit, your hurt." She tried to get him to sit back down, but Jacob had managed to stumble to his feet. Connie held onto his arm to stable him.
"Just leave me alone Connie I'm fine." He was still angry at her for earlier on. "You can't just care about me every-time I get hurt and then once you make sure I'm ok just go back to not talking to me." That really stung. She removed her hand off of him.
"That's not true." She said quietly shaking her head.
"I wish it wasn't." He added as he walked off in the direction of his car. By now people had heard about Jacob and come to help. Ian ran over to him just as Jacob was opening the door of his car.
"Look mate, I know your pissed off right now but please just let me check your alright and then you can go home, play FIFA and chill with a pizza yeah?" He tried to lighten the atmosphere with that comment, but Jacob wasn't having any of it.
"Nah Ian I need to get away from this place for a while. I'll clean myself up." Jacob got into the car and shut the door behind him before anyone else tried to stop him. He turned the key and reversed out of the space leaving an anxious Connie behind watching him drive away injured.

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