Buisness as usual

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"Grace, darling, you've got to get ready for school." Connie knocked on her daughter's bedroom door. Grace was not a morning person and covered her ears with a pillow. "Ok i'm just warning you, if you don't respond, I'm going to have to come in there and tickle you until you wake up." Connie smirked standing outside of the door. After waiting a few seconds, Connie opened her bedroom door and crept up to Grace's bed. "Alright then, I guess I'll just have to tickle you..." Connie poised her fingers ready to tickle.
"Ok, ok I'm up." Grace laughed jumping out of bed before her mum could tickle her.
"Good girl, breakfast in 5." With that Connie walked back downstairs to prepare Grace's omelette.

"Morning Joey." Grace walked into the kitchen to find Joey lying on his play mat on the floor. He loved playing with the hanging animals that floated above his head, amazed by them. "Do we have any orange juice?" Grace asked, opening the fridge door.
"Yeah, I think it's on the middle shelf." Connie folded the omelette and tipped it onto a plate. Jacob had taught her so many cooking skills since they'd got together, including how to make an omelette. She put the plate down in front of Grace at the table.
Connie picked Joey up off of the floor. "So what  do you have today then?" Connie started to make conversation.
"Y'know, double science, maths, p.e the usual..." Grace gulped down her glass of orange juice and stood up. "I better get going. The omelette was lovely by the way mum." Connie smiled at her.
"It's a bit early isn't it?" Connie usually had to drag Grace to school, but today seemed weird. "Er... I'm meeting a friend." Grace tied her kicker boots.
"What friend?" Questioned Connie.
"Oh you don't know them. I gotta go bye."
"Alright, well you text me when you get to school. I love you." Grace rolled her eyes, "love you too mum." With that Grace left for school and for some reason Connie had a funny feeling about today. She didn't believe Grace for one second, but decided to trust her on this one. She sighed and got herself and Joey ready to go to the ED.

"Ready to see everyone Joe? Your gonna be a little celebrity once you walk in there. I hope your ready." Connie picked up Joey in his car seat and headed towards the Entrance of the ED. Nobody had even noticed she had walked through the doors. It was so busy and staff were rushing around everywhere. She spotted Jacob in cubicles and walked over.
"Alright mate, all done. You should be discharged soon." Jacob closed the curtains behind him to find his beautiful girlfriend holding his baby boy. "Hello beautiful." He kissed her on the lips.
"Jacob, what's going on? Why are we so busy? I didn't think it would be this bad without me." Boasted Connie.
"Well nobody knows what they're doing without queen B around. Nah, Dylan's sick and so is Rita, we're just understaffed. I guess it's just one of those days." Sighed Jacob.

"Mrs. Beauchamp it's so nice to see you and this must be Joey." Cooed Robyn.
"Hello Robyn, Jacob was telling me about how understaffed we are. Have they appointed a new clinical lead yet?" Asked Connie.
"Oh yeah Hanssen just announced that its Dr. Gardner starting from tomorrow." Robyn smiled. Connie bit her lip to stop herself from saying anything she'd regret. "Anyway, really busy so I better get back to work."
"Of course, I'll catch up with you later." Connie smiled, immediately turning round to face Jacob. "Elle is the new clinical lead! She's only been here 5 minutes."
"Well, nobody else wanted the job. They asked Dylan, but he said no and Elle just seemed perfect for it." Jacob shrugged, not seeing what the big deal was, besides, it was Connie who gave up the job out of choice anyway. "Jacob, your needed in resus." Cal called for him. "Oh hello Mrs. Beauchamp." He smiled before heading back to work.
"Better go." Jacob left Connie, she thought today would've planned out a lot differently, but it wasn't over yet...

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