Hearts and Daggers

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Jacob entered the hospital, walking straight up to Connie at reception, her shift had started an hour ago.
"Good morning, sweet-cheeks. Good night?" She turned around with a smirk on her face.
"You would know."
Jacob smiled, placing a kiss on her lips. Rita noticed this and approached him.
"Jacob, patients need treating, your already late." He rolled his eyes at her, still standing closely to Connie.
"Alright, alright, I'm going." Jacob bent down to kiss Connie again, "see you later babe." He winked at her before leaving to go and get changed.
Connie couldn't wipe the smile off of her face. Every time Jacob kissed her or told her that he loves her, she gets the same fuzzy feeling in the pit of her stomach, like it is the very first time.

Jacob entered the staffroom, greeting everyone on the way. Cal reminded him of something that he wanted to ask, but he thought he'd wait until they were alone.
Once everyone else had left the room, he pulled off his shirt, revealing his muscular abs, but also the many scars that came since he had joined the ED.
"Oh, Jacob, sorry." Robyn covered the side of her face with her hand to prevent the sight of Jacob's bare chest. Even though she felt like her eyes were attracted to his abs like a fly to food.
Jacob turned around, now wearing his white uniform. "That's alright freckles. Busy out there?" He gestured with his head.
"Not really. So, everything good with you and Mrs. Beauchamp?" She smiled, beginning to make a cup of tea.
"Yeah it's perfect actually. About that... If you were the woman in the relationship - i mean obviously you are the woman, but anyway how would you like the guy to... Propose?" Jacob bit his lip, waiting for Robyn's thoughts.
Her face lit up, excitement ran through every vein. "Oh my god! Jacob your going to propose?!"
"Shhh! Keep your voice down. Nobody else knows and if Connie finds out then the whole thing is ruined." He glanced over his shoulder to check that nobody had heard.
Robyn covered her mouth with a smirk, "sorry. Anyway, I would personally want it to be really romantic and beautiful... Ooo and I'd want the guy to pour his heart out to me. But I have no idea how Mrs.B would want someone to propose to her. Probably something simple, y'know spoken from the heart and all that."
She poured the tea into a mug, fantasising about her dream husband.

Moments later, Rita burst through the staff room doors, frustrated at Jacob's lack of focus today. "Staff Nurse Masters, I have asked you to get to work half-hour ago! Now will you hurry up and get out there!" She slammed the door shut behind her before Jacob even had a chance to apologise.
He sighed at Robyn, "Guess I better get to work. Thanks for your help freckles." He smiled before leaving the staff room.

Connie waited outside whilst the ambulance pulled up. Ian opened the back door and began to wheel the patient out.
"Right, Ian, what have we got?" Connie walked swiftly alongside the trolley as they began to wheel the patient inside.
"This is Damian Knightly, 15, involved in a..." Ian's words were lost. She knew that name... And she also knew that face. She knew it very well.
The boy lying on the bed was the boy who almost ruined her life forever, by stabbing Jacob over a year ago now.

Connie froze. She was standing in resus with everyone looking, waiting for some reaction from her. Nobody else had realised who this boy was and were confused at how Connie was behaving.
"Mrs Beauchamp? The patient needs treating." Dr. Chow insisted, needing some assistance. Connie snapped out of her daze and tried to be more professional.
"Right, Nurse Miller I need..." But her focus was lost again. Those horrible images kept flashing through her head. She couldn't get the sight of Jacob lying half dead off of her mind.
"That's it, I'm taking over. Connie go and take a break." Elle moved in front of her, beginning to put pressure on the boy's wound.
Connie didn't even argue with her. Instead, she marched out of resus, not looking back once.

Jacob noticed Connie from the nurses station, looking shaken up. It must've taken a lot to upset her like that, jogging after her to check that she was ok.
He caught up with Connie outside and stood in front of her, blocking her path. Tears were visible in her eyes and she tried her best to not allow them to spill down her cheeks. "Sweet-cheeks? What's wrong?" Jacob tilted her chin so that she was looking up at him.
She simply couldn't hold it together anymore, letting the tears run down her face. Jacob pulled her close to his chest, hugging her tightly. He ran his fingers through her head as she sobbed quietly into his chest. Jacob was still confused as to what had upset her so much.
He pulled away from her slightly, looking into her tearful eyes. She calmed herself down and looked back into his. "Are you going to tell me what's upset you? Or am I going to have to find out for myself?"
Connie sniffled before she answered him, pulling herself together. "I got sent out of resus. It was my fault. I couldn't do my job, I just wasn't professional enough."
Jacob frowned, she was always professional, no matter what. "What do you mean you couldn't do your job?" He asked gently.
Connie didn't want him to know that the man who stabbed him was only a few metres away, inside. "Oh, y'know what, I'm just being silly. I don't know why I'm being so emotional today." She went to turn away, back inside, but Jacob kept hold of her, not letting her out of it this easily.
"No Connie, it takes a lot to make you upset like this. Tell me, please." He looked at her with pleading eyes, wanting so badly for her to let him in.
"I don't want to make you angry or upset, so I think it's best if you don't know."
Jacob frowned, what on earth was she talking about. "I'm only going to find out."
Connie gave up, realising he had a point, "Fine. It's Damian. Damian Knightly." She sighed looking into his face, trying to find some emotion, but it was impossible.

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