The action part of this story comes later on so please be patient. Oh and please check out Burnthrhythm's latest story, Startstruck! I'm editing it :) It'll be a great story, I promise! Give it a chance!
100 Days
Chapter 3: Busting Out
The ride to school was fine except for the fact that Will kept squeazing my small waist. Just as we arrived the school's gate, I heard the warning bell rang as a sign that there were five more minutes for the students to rush their butts to class. Once I got down from my motorcycle, I pushed Will off and straightened my clothes.
"It's Will!" I heard one of the girls squealed and soon, the gossip girls spreaded the news that Will had arrived at school. Even students that had already gone to class came rushing out just to crowd around Will. Sure Will had good looks but there was no reason for those girls to crowd around him as if he was a celebrity.
Polly with her blonde curls bouncing every time she took a step, saw me and pushed girls out of her way to get to me.
"Have you heard? Will finally came back to school!" she shouted over the squeals and shrieks. I nodded and the both of us went inside the school where it was much more quiet.
"What's the big deal of Will anyways? I thought he was a nobody?" well, he hadn't been in school for months due to his I'm-not-going-to-school attitude. So who would remember him anyways? Why would anyone bother unless it was because of his good looks?
Five months ago when Will was still in school, he was popular and he was also Ken's best friend. But Will didn't participate on bullying people who Ken hated. Like, me. As far as I could remember, he would avoid getting in trouble. Rumours had that Will was the best in martial arts. But as far as I know, he was shy.
Back to the current time, Will was pushed against a red car by those girls. Seriously, girls these days were shameless.
Will's eyes narrowed at the brunette who tried to brush her hand over his chest. His annoyed smile turned into a scowl and pushed them away. Even if he had those martial arts skills, he wouldn't dare use it just to escape the crowd. So this was where I come in.
I was making my way back towards Will. Polly was calling my name with a confused tone, I would have to explain to her later.
"Girls, make way for Will or I'll kick your butts." I crossed my arms over my black jacket. I was using 'my glare' at the girls and almost in a second, they parted so there was a way for Will to walk to me. "Will, get to class." I said.
"Yes, get to class too, Fleur." the principal's voice came from behind. All eyes were on him but his was on me only. He wasn't serious on blaming all this on me was he? Did Ken set this up or something?
"Detention, Fleur." he muttered and ordered everyone to get to their class before he counted to ten. With that, all the girls ran to class leaving Will and I standing there with the principal looking angry at the both of us. I hate you, Ken.
The detention room was Mr Norland's class. The teacher looks at each student like an owl watching it's prey. Even whispering weren't allowed. Tes got caught passing notes with her boyfriend and the teacher lectured them.
I had gotten used to detention of course. Ken would always find ways to get me in detention. Liv knew how I hated it so she and Ken would team up and convinced the principal or teachers in charge.
Detention was after school so luckily I didn't need to go back to my place or my parents would have found out about the detention and I would get in trouble. I could picture Frank sticking up for me while mom and dad kept talking about how I should be more careful the next time and avoid Ken and his buddies.
All of a sudden, there was a knock from the door and a familiar young man entered the class. Mr Norland seemed to be annoyed that someone interrupted the quietness.
"I'm looking for Fleur Tyler?" okay, that voice was really familiar.
"What's your name young man?" Mr Norland asked skeptically.
"I'm sent by Cameron Tyler." at the mention of my father's name, Mr Norland gulped and let me out of detention early. The rest of the students just gave me envious looks as I exit the classroom.
"Take the disguise off, Will." I said after I closed the door.
Will gave me a sheepish grin and took off his blonde wig and went to the boy's locker room to change into his own clothes. Apparently the clothes he 'borrowed' from belonged to our school coach.
"What did you do that for?" I meant the getting me out of detention part.
"Busting you out, duh!"

100 Days [Part 1&2]
Roman pour AdolescentsThe sequel to Ms Nerd and Mr Jock. This is Fleur's story. She's a stubborn, butt-kicking, girl. When Sally and Bill Cross goes for a business trip, Fleur was asked to babysit Will, Sally and Bill's only son. But Will turns out to be a hot, smart, I...