I love writing this chapter! I missed Cameron and Celia so I just had to write this chapter! <3
Chapter 18 Part 1
I tried breaking the chains that were making my feet unable to move for the billionth time, and nothing happened.
I even tried using a brick to break it!
Maybe I am going insane.
That Avery chick dared locking me into a room made of bricks with only a tray of food and a toilet bowl in the corner of the room. Really? What made her think I would eat in the same room that had the toilet bowl in it? Just looking at a rat climbing into it seconds ago made me lose my appetite, and trust me, that rarely happened.
I wish Will was here.
I wish Polly was here.
Now I'm being insane.
"Let me out of here!" I screamed once again. A guard just looked at me through the little window on the door. Now, if you're thinking 'Why hasn't the stupid girl just break the window glass and get out of her jail?' Well, technically, the window isn't made of glass and I did try to break it.
Guess what I got from that?
A broken wrist.
"Shut up, bitch. You're not getting out of there till the lady boss says so." he said in a rough voice. Was he trying to sound intimidating? If he was, he totally failed at it. The thought made me smile a bit, actually smirk.
"What are you smirking at?" he asked while pressing his face harder on the window. His eyebrows formed a straight line making me want to get a razor and shave them off.
"Oh nothing. Say, you look really funny with that face!"
Stop irritating him, Fleur.
"What did you say?!" ooh, big guard is mad! Angry guard smash! Haha!
"You look like one of those aliens that the cartoon Ben 10 turns into!" I stuck out my tongue. He didn't actually look like any one of the aliens, but I just wanted to get him irritated. Maybe he might open the door and I could fight my way out of here! After all, he didn't seem like the type of person who knows how to fight.
"And you're a midget. I could squash you like a little ant right now." he smirked. haha! If he could touch me first!
I started laughing my butt off. His smirked was instantly wiped off his face and I heard the jingling sounds that keys made. The door flew open and he stepped in. Whoa, he looked bigger than I thought! I smiled to myself, I could handle him easily.
"Hey big guy! You wouldn't hurt a girl would you?" I tried to sound scared.
"A normal girl? Nah, but you with that annoying mouth of yours, why not?" this time, I smiled. Using my legs, I picked myself up and kicked his crotch. He ignored the pain(Wow! He must have been kicked there a thousand times!) and grabbed my left arm making me fell towards him.
I landed a punch on his jaw and kicked him again. This time he fell onto the ground groaning in pain. Taking the brick I hit him at the back of his head and he fell onto the ground unconscious. Yeah baby! I rock!
Wait, I didn't kill him, did I?
When I found his pulse, I relaxed a bit. Good, I wouldn't want to go to jail for murder!

100 Days [Part 1&2]
Novela JuvenilThe sequel to Ms Nerd and Mr Jock. This is Fleur's story. She's a stubborn, butt-kicking, girl. When Sally and Bill Cross goes for a business trip, Fleur was asked to babysit Will, Sally and Bill's only son. But Will turns out to be a hot, smart, I...