Chapter 19

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Chapter 19~

When everyone finally gathered at the library which was filled with dad's work stuff, all eyes instantly turned to me. Actually, not me but my broken wrist. 

"Honey, where's the cut Will told us about?" Cut? What cut? I looked at Will for answers but he just pointed at his arm. Oh, the cut Lance gave me when I was hanging out with Jeff. Speaking of Jeff, where was he? Mom said he came over but now he was nowhere to be found. 

Anyways, I lifted my sleeve to show mom the cut. Luckily it wasn't as bad as the first day when i had it. It pretty much healed up already, the scars were the only thing left. Mom covered her mom and started to sob. Oh no, not now. 

"Mom, it's okay. It's just a minor injury. And don't worry about the wrist too, I'm fine! I'm a tough girl, mom!" I said softly while rubbing mom's back. Dad was on her other side, squeazing her shoulders. 

"Are we going to go to the police?" Will asked, his eyes never leaving mine. 

I expected dad to say something like "Definitely, and you're grounded Fleur for not telling us." or "Yes, and I'll inform Mr and Mrs Cross immediately about Will." but surprisingly, he said, "No, we're going to handle it ourselves. We'll trap them and call the police." he smiled at mom with a knowing look. Did they know something I didn't?

"Fleur dear." mom called me. 

"Yes, mom?" 

"Do you remember Aunty Isabel and Uncle Leon?" how could I forget them? They were the most hyper couple I had known so far. They were travelling all the time, the last time I seen them was during Christmas. I nodded. 

"Well, they would be over soon and like old times, they would help us." Like old times? What did she meant by that? This family really love to keep secrets from each other. Did the four of them did something that I wasn't told about? 

"Mom, there's something you aren't telling me." I grabbed her hand before she could stand up, my eyes locked on hers as we were competing against each other to see who would blink first. (Of course I would win, since when I lose to anyone in that competition?)

The door bell went off and mom pulled her hand away from mine and stood up. "That must be your aunt and uncle." she said and placed a hand on my shoulder. But before she could even make it to the exit of the library, Uncle Leon rushed in and pounced on her. When I said pounce, I meant literally. Like a tiger. 

"Celia! Oh I miss you! Did you miss me, Celia bear?" he hugged her. Polly and Will just stared at them with wide eyes. I was used to the reaction, the first time Uncle Leon did that I screamed 'pervert' at him but then I found out that they were close childhood friends so I just let it slide. It did get on dad's nerves sometimes though. I mean, seeing your wife getting pounce by your brother-in-law? Who wouldn't? 

"Leon, get off my wife." Dad pulled Uncle Leon off and made him stand. Aunt Isabel came in and hugged her brother before pulling mom up. 

"So, that Avery girl is back huh? I never liked her anyways." Aunt Isabel rolled her eyes and looked at Will for awhile. "Is this your boyfriend, Fleur?" 

I almost choked on my spit. Will? My boyfriend? Yeah, I wish. "No, he's just a friend. And that girl over there is Polly, my best friend." 

"Well, nice to meet ya Will, Polly." she winked at both of them and sat down next to me. "So how's my favorite niece?" she hung her arm on my shoulder. Sometimes I wonder if teenagers were stuck in my family's body. Even when they were old, like mom. She still acted as if she was a teenager around dad. Well, maybe that's normal since love could make you strange. 

"Nice to meet you, aunty." Polly grinned at Aunt Isabel. 

"Just Isabel would do, deary. So let's get down to business. Leon! Celia! Cammy!" the three of them who were still chatting snapped their heads to Aunt Isabel's direction and slowly made their way over. They sat down and dad cleared his throat. 

"Oh right, Fleur, could you please take your friends out with you while the four of us discuss? We'll handle your situation from now on." she smiled at me, but at the same time you could tell she was pleading. 

"But mom-" 

"Come on, Flower." Will winked and carried me over his shoulder. 

"Will, put me down! I could walk just fine!" I started kicking my legs, hopefully I would kick his head or something. 

"Shut up, Mr Tyler carried you in here. Obviously you couldn't walk without falling, thanks to those weak legs of yours." he rolled his eyes. 

"Polly! Ask him to put me down!" I shouted. 

"Fleur, if you don't silently let Will carry you, I would." Uncle Leon winked and grinned. A blush crept up to my cheeks and Aunt Isabel let out a laugh. 

Before I could say anything, Will was walking out of the library already. Even if he was just carrying me because I couldn't walk for now, I couldn't help but feel tingly inside. 

I also couldn't help but wonder if he was worried about me when I was kidnapped by Avery's men. 

Will must have thought I was thinking of something when I stayed silent. "Flower, what are you thinking?" he shook me a little making me grab onto his shirt. I swear, if he drops me, I would kill him. 

"Erm, who carried me out of the burning building?" I asked him while playing with my fingers. It was habit actually. Since I was young, whenever I became nervous or just scared, I played with my fingers. 

"I did. Did you miss me much because you kept asking for my name. You were like, 'will! i want to see Will!' It was really amusing, I should have recorded it." I blushed again. Geez, why was I blushing so much today? 

He put me down on my bed and sat on it. "Well, who else could rescue me? I mean, Polly couldn't. And you were on of the few who knew the situation so I thought I should expect you." I blabbered. But Will placed two fingers on my lips to shut me up. 

"You can proclaim your love to me when you're healthier. Now, I want you to rest." he smirked as he shut the door behind him while I started to mutter a few colorful words. 

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