"You know, usually girls cry in those sad romance junk." Will commented at my disgusted face. Clearly I wasn't the type of girl who would like romance movie. I preferred Action or maybe some Adventure. Like Harry Potter. Harry Potter rocks forever, you couldn't say no to that.
"I'm not those type of girls and you should know that. You've been living with me for weeks." I rolled my eyes at him. The movie just ended and we were walking towards Will's car. It was only two in the afternoon when the movie ended so there wasn't much that I could do. Plus it was a Saturday, which meant no school for two days.
And I was hungry.
As if right on cue, my stomach grumbled and I swear, two boys turned to look at me. Oh God that was embarassing.
"Nice one." Will said flatly before bursting into laughter. I punched him in the gut the second time today but this time he just kept laughing.
"It wasn't that funny. Jerk."
"Haha! But it was! Is that a way to make a guy look at you?"
No, it made a certain guy who I might like laughed at me and it made me felt like a complete loser. I shook the thought away and slapped his arm. I refused to talk to him and just ignore him. Out of all people, why must Will be the person I liked? He wasn't sweet and polite and caring like the other girl's boyfriends are. Will was a jerk, playful and always teasing me around. What girls hated were the things I liked.
Oh God, am I abnormal or something?
My hands flew to my mouth, what if there was something wrong with me? That would be so weird.
"Flower, are you okay? Do you need to go back home or something?" And then there was the nice and worrying Will. Like the time when he took care of me when I was sick. That was probably the most shocking and surprising experience I had ever been through.
"Yeah whatever, can we get some ice-cream or something?"
He stared at me for awhile with that worrying look of his. "Okay."
"Cookies and cream for me!" I told the waitress and she was off. I didn't mean to be rude to her or anything but it bothered me to see her trying to show so much of her cleavage to Will. She even tried the 'I dropped a spoon' technique and I was totally grossed out.
"Somebody's jealous."
"I'm not." I glared at Will. I'd lost my appetite but I wasn't going to let it waste, plus it was Will's money so I'd better eat it up.
The waitress came back and I caught a glimpse of her name tag. Pauline
She handed me my cookies and cream and then gave Will his chocolate ice cream. Without saying anything, I shoved the money to her and dragged Will out of the store.
If I continued being so moody, people might think I'm on my period or something.
"Erm, Flower?"
"You um-"
"What is it?"
"You have um...a dark red spot...stain at your pants...um..."
I hated this day.
I dumped my ice cream and instantly took off my jacket and wrapped it around my waist. That was so embarassing.
"I hate today..." I mumbled in frustration.
"Look on the bright side, you managed to hang out with me." Will bumped his hip against mine. Yeah sure there was that. But I hated it anyways because I embarassed myself countless times. And Will just happens to be there, catching the whole thing. And then my period comes and ended the fun.
"Will, thanks for bringing me out today. It's not fun being bored and the ice cream was great except for the part where the waitress came and ruined my mood." I paused. I should just let out everything and regret it later. After all, that was what Fleur would do. "And surprisingly you're fun to be around with. Even though I'm not one of those girly and romance loving girls, I'm glad you would actually take care of me and worry about me. When that waitress flirted with you, it took me all my strength to not punch her face. I hate her, Will. And I like it when you say my name. It's really nice. And it sounded nice coming from you. I don't know why am I rambling."
I stopped.
Will hadn't spoke up ever since I started to talk. Something was wrong.
I turned around expecting to find Will with a shocked face or whatever expression but he wasn't there. Instead he was far behind me, on the ground, bleeding.
I froze on my spot for like three seconds before running to Will. There was blood coming out from the side of his head like someone had beat him up. There was a purple bruise on his cheek and he was unconscious.
Instantly I called dad.
"Dad, it's Will. Call the ambulance!"
MWAHAHAHA! What's gonna happen to Will, you ask? Hehe....
Yes, I'm feeling a little better now but I still couldn't get out of bed.So I'm asking my friend here to type everything while I tell the whole story. Her name is Sarah, if you're asking. And Fleur's character is actually based on her, but she would never find out. Oops! I just said it out loud and she's helping me type the author's note. and she's giving me the death glare. 'Okay sar, you can stop typing now'. 'I mean it Sar, stop.' 'Fine, type my whole conversation, like I care.'

100 Days [Part 1&2]
Teen FictionThe sequel to Ms Nerd and Mr Jock. This is Fleur's story. She's a stubborn, butt-kicking, girl. When Sally and Bill Cross goes for a business trip, Fleur was asked to babysit Will, Sally and Bill's only son. But Will turns out to be a hot, smart, I...