Chapter 17~
You know the feeling you get when you feel someone is watching you constantly?
Yeah, I'm feeling it right now.
Ever since I received that letter, I kept looking around. I'm paranoid and scared at the same time. Something I hadn't felt for a long time actually. Polly says I'm jumpy, oh if only she knew about the letter. Try putting her in my shoe, and she won't last a day.
It's already bad that Lance wanted to kill me, and now I had to worry about Lance's mother. What the hell, right? Something tells me that when she meets me, it won't be pleasant at all. If Lance wanted to kill me not because of me being Will's friend, then I couldn't think of a reason at all!
I'm pure innocent!
Well, not really. I did over-fed my fish and it died. But I was only nine! Plus, dad was supposed to help me remember when to feed him! Okay, maybe I shouldn't entirely blame it on dad.
Goldie didn't deserve to die..geez I feel horrible.
But then again, it never let me clean it's bowl.
"What?" I looked up from my shaking hands. Whoa, I hadn't realize Will had been calling me.
"School has been over for ten minutes. I was waiting for you to at least pack your stuff but you were staring at your desk the whole time." he said in a boring tone. That's when I realized the classroom was empty, besides the both of us. I have to really stop spacing out in class.
"You're hiding something."
"No, I'm not."
"No! Just drop it already!" I raised my arms in protest. I didn't want Will to get involved in this, or anyone else! This just happens to be my business, only mine. It's bad enough they had to deal with Lance. Imagine an old lady who claimed to be Lance's mother! Old lady..kill...I just couldn't put those two words together. Old people should be caring and sweet!
That day it just happened to snow so Will and I were walking to and from school. Polly and Jeff were going to get something from the grocery store. Will's fridge was going to be empty soon anyways with four hungry teenagers in the house.
"How is Lance's mother like?" I asked, trying not to sound too shaky. Even if I did, I could blame the snow anyways.
"Why do you ask?"
"You told us about his dad. I'm wondering about his mother." I shrugged.
"Well, she's an okay person. Her names Avery, I don't like her much. She's blonde, kinda pretty I guess. Sometimes I suspect she likes a man other than my uncle." hmm, Avery. I love her name. Why had I ever heard that name before from my parents? Coicindence maybe.
"Black SUV following us." Will pulled me close and whispered, his breath on my cheeks.
The door of the car opened and two men climbed out of it. One fought with Will while the other one tried to get me in the car. I managed to kick him and maybe break a few bones of his but another one grabbed me from behind and pressed a cloth at my nose.
My eyes darted to where Will was, on the ground, bleeding. He was unconscious! Oh gosh! "Will!" I meant so say but it came out as "Ri!!"
Someone whacked the back of my head and I went out.
Someone was dragging me.
My legs were tied together and someone was dragging me by my arms.
I was thrown to a chair. Whoever that was my captor, was really stupid. They didn't even tied my hands! Idiots.
I was facing a mirror, I knew whoever that was on the other side could see me. Even if I couldn't see them.
"Hello Fleur, you've grown so beautiful!" that familiar voice..I had heard it before. But I couldn't remember where...or when.
"Who are you?!" I screamed, balling my fist together.
"Now, now Fleur. Young ladies shouldn't use violence. Those are for boys. Didn't you know your name means Flower? Flowers are gentle."
She's just getting on your nerves, Fleur. Don't give in so easily. She's playing with your mind!
"What do you want?"
"Do you know Celiana Millers, girl?" she knew my mom! Now I was desperately, searching through my memories on where I had heard her voice before. I knew I had heard her before, but I just couldn't remember where.
"What about...Cameron Tyler? Do you know Cameron? Or Cammy, as your mother calls him." That's when I realized who she was.
"You abandoned me! You left me for her!" I heard a lady's piercing scream. Crawling next to my mom, I saw dad standing in front of a lady. She was holding something shiny, the shape of a knife. The kitchen knife mom used during breakfast.
Her blonde hair was messy and tangled due to the wind blowing through her hair. My dad was standing in front of her, wearing his pyjamas.
"I didn't leave you, Avery. Oh my gosh, Avery! She was Avery?!
I wished I had taken a close look at her. "Daddy?" I whispered but everyone could have heard it plain as day. Dad's head snapped to me quickly. He swooped me up and held me close tight.
"So you have a daughter, she's so beautiful." I sensed evil in her voice. "I'll be back, I won't attack tonight."
By then, I was sweating a lot. I didn't even realize I was crying until the flashback was over. I quickly wiped my tears on my sleeve and calmed myself down. She tried to kill my mom, before. Dad said it that very night!
"Why do you want to kill my mother?! What has she ever done to you!"
"She ruined my life, Fleur."
How is it?
Yes! Avery's back! For those who had read Ms Nerd and Mr Jock, you probably know who and why Avery wants to kill Fleur/Celia.

100 Days [Part 1&2]
Teen FictionThe sequel to Ms Nerd and Mr Jock. This is Fleur's story. She's a stubborn, butt-kicking, girl. When Sally and Bill Cross goes for a business trip, Fleur was asked to babysit Will, Sally and Bill's only son. But Will turns out to be a hot, smart, I...