So this is a random interview with the characters in 100 days, for those Celia and Cameron fans, the both of them would also be in the interview! Thanks for the fans who just fanned me not long ago! It meant a lot! Okay, let's start the interview!
Me: Hello guys, take a seat. (The characters sit on the chairs given and coffee was served)
Will: So when are you going to start the interview?
Me: Oh! The interview, right. This question is for Fleur. Fleur, why does Liv hate you so much?
Fleur: I don't know, she's weird. Can we not talk about her?
Me: Okay. Celia, the fans miss you and Cameron! What do you say about that?
Celia: Aw! I miss them too! But they wouldn't want to hear about me now, I'm no longer young. Oh how I miss the days...(Celia starts to rant about her good old times.)
Me: (clears thtroat)
Celia: Sorry.
Me: That's okay. Fleur, who was the one who kissed you the night you got drunk?
Fleur: Someone kissed me?
(Will chokes on his cookie)
Fleur: Are you okay?
Will: I'll survive.
Me: Okay. Ken, you seemed to blush every time Polly teases you. Why is that?
(Will and Fleur starts to whisper and giggle a lot)
Ken: What?! No I didn't.....
Will: Someone has a crush!
Me: Who, you? So you admit you like Fleur then?
Will: No! Why would I like Flower? She's the most annoying person I ever met!
Ken: Yeah right.
Me: Okay! No need to get into a fight here! So Polly, how did you and Fleur met?
Polly: Fleur saved me from my sixth grade bully. That guy couldn't take no for an answer! He asked me out on a date actually but I didn't want to go with him because he is really abusive. He beat me up and-
Ken: Wait, that jerk beat you up?
Polly: It was a long time ago-
Ken: (gets up from his chair) I'm going to punch the living daylights out of him right now!
Me: Sit down, Kenny boy! Polly, continue.
Polly: And Fleur saw him so she beat him up for me. I owe her my life, she's pretty and strong. I wanna be like her..
Ken: Hey, you're pretty...maybe not strong.
Polly: Shut up, Ken.
Me: Okay..? Will, why did Rosco barked at Fleur?
Will: He likes girls.
Me: Weird answer but okay. Fleur, why do you wear guy clothes all the time? Especially Will's?
Ken: Wait, Fleur wears Will's clothes?! Oh my gosh!
Me: Shut up, Ken. (Ken starts to get moody because two girls told him to shut up)
Fleur: Well, guy clothes are so much more comfortable than girl clothes. I just wear Will's clothes (Obviously she's hiding something but we'll find out sooner or later)
Me: Ken, is this the first time Liv cheated on you?
Ken: Actually no. She slept with lots of guys but I only continued our relationship because I didn't have proof to confront her. But I broke up with her because Jason was my best friend and she cheated on me with him. (obviously still in a bad mood)
Me: Sorry to hear that, Ken. But anyways! We have a special guest!
(Cameron enters the room with his glasses on)
Me: Cammy!
Cameron: Hey.
Me: Take a seat, Mr Tyler.
Cameron: Hey, that makes me feel old!
Me: Don't care, bud. Anyway, Cammy. How was your wedding with Celia years ago? Why wasn't the readers and I invited?
Cameron: Umm...we didn't want anybody to crash the wedding..
Me: Oh. That's a lame excuse. Will, do you have anger issues?
Will: What does that suppose to mean?!
Me: *sigh* Do you get angry often?
Will: Only when people make me angry.
Ken: Yeah right.
Will: Shut up, Ken.
Ken: No, you shut up!
Will: Shut up or I'll hit you!
Ken: Go ahead if you dare.
(The interview ended when the boys started to fight. Fleur and Polly went to get more cookies. Cammy shut the boys up and Celia went home to check on little Frank. The next interview would be after Chapter 22! If I didn't post it, it's because Fleur ate my notebook. Thanks for reading!)

100 Days [Part 1&2]
Ficção AdolescenteThe sequel to Ms Nerd and Mr Jock. This is Fleur's story. She's a stubborn, butt-kicking, girl. When Sally and Bill Cross goes for a business trip, Fleur was asked to babysit Will, Sally and Bill's only son. But Will turns out to be a hot, smart, I...