Okay, so I've thought for awhile and I don't want to end 100 Days so quickly. So I'm going to make a Part 2 of it. No, I won't start another story and make another title, I'll just continue in the same story group but under Part 2 of 100 Days :) So that means, MORE WILL AND FLEUR!
Chapter 31
For the last few days, I've been going through lots of teasing in school and it wasn't exactly the most joyous moment I'd been through. But I pitied Liv the most because that video destroyed her popularity completely, which meant her so-called fake friends dumped her and somehow her 'boyfriend' left her too. Something tells me that their image were more important than friendship. That made me a little sad too.
"What? You don't need to shout at me!" I shouted at Jeff who made a bored face at me. Seriously, that guy should go for an acting career. It just amazes me on how he could change his emotions so quickly and not burst into laughter when everyone else was laughing.
"I've been calling you for the last few minutes. You were spacing out." Oh.
"Sorry, I've been thinking about some stuff." I shrugged and took a bite out of my sandwich. Polly was slurping on her milkshake really loudly so I gave her the glare. Instantly she stopped and got into a little coughing fit.
"If you're thinking about Liv, just relax." Will elbowed me. I gave him a wry smile. Like he was the one to talk. Earlier he was being all nervous and getting sweaty hands when he faced Liv. Liv just scream at his face and stomped away into the girl's bathroom so I say, Will had it easy. I was pretty sure Liv wouldn't just scream at my face and stomp off because for the last few years of knowing her, she wasn't exactly the type of person to do so.
"Guys, I'm going to the girl's bathroom." I told them and put away my tray on the way to the bathroom. When I entered, it was surprisingly quiet. Usually there would be a group of girls standing in front of the bathroom mirror, checking their make-up every so often. Then instead of the sound of gossips, the sound of crying filled the stalls.
It sounded like Liv.
Somehow hearing Liv crying made me felt guilty, she lost every of her friends and everything that kept her happy. While she was crying alone, I had loyal friends who would back me up when I fall. I frowned at myself, the next thing I did was insane, but the right thing to do.
“Liv? Is that you?” I called out and immediately the crying ceased.
“Fleur? What do you want?” Her voice sounded weird from the crying but I could hear the slight anger in her tone.
“I heard you crying, are you okay?”
“Don’t go all nice girl on me, Fleur Tyler. I know you want to laugh. Like all my so-called friends did. Go ahead and laugh.” She sounded so tired and weak. I instantly felt bad for her.
I walked to her stall and knocked on the door. “Liv, I’m not going to laugh at you. And I want to say sorry for what I did. I was drunk and I wouldn’t have done that.” I said quickly so she couldn’t talk back. There was a silence and then I heard Liv sniffed.
“My friends left me.”
“Then they are not real friends. Come on out, we’ll go to the roof top.” I whispered so whoever that was hearing our conversation couldn’t hear the last part. It’s bad enough I’m skipping class, it’s worse if anyone found out I’m dragging another person along.

100 Days [Part 1&2]
Teen FictionThe sequel to Ms Nerd and Mr Jock. This is Fleur's story. She's a stubborn, butt-kicking, girl. When Sally and Bill Cross goes for a business trip, Fleur was asked to babysit Will, Sally and Bill's only son. But Will turns out to be a hot, smart, I...