Okay, so like I promised, I would interview the characters, AGAIN since they didn't work with me in the last interview. If you're expecting a new chapter, well, I'm going to write that tomorrow after school. Now, without delaying any longer, let's enter my bedroom aka interviewing room. ;D
Me: Okay guys take a seat please.
Will: Where? On your bed? No offence but why couldn't we do the interview in other parts of your tiny house?
Me: Because my laptop is in my room, and I feel comfortable around my laptop so don't complain!
Fleur: Do we have cookies?
Me: No. Will, stop playing with Teddy!
Will: Fine.
Me: Where's Polly and Ken? And Jeffy boy?
Me: Come in?
Polly: I'm here! And I brought cookies!
Everyone: Yeah! Cookies!
Me: Guys, SHUT UP!
Everyone: *stares at their creator*
Me: Thank you.
Jeff: Crazy.
Me: I heard that. Anyways, it's an interview. Let's start with....WILL!
Will: Okay.
Me: What do you think of Fleur's parents?
Will: They are weird. Her whole family is weird except for her brother who at least has some normal brain cells. Mr Tyler and Mrs Tyler are...crazy. As for her Aunt and Uncle, they should act their age.
Me: But the fans love Isabel and Leon just the way they are!
Will: Whatever.
Me: So Fleur, what do you think of Will?
Fleur: *chokes on spit* Erm, what do I think of Will? Well, he's...decent?
Will: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Fleur: Shut up!
Polly: I think I smell brownies!
Me: This is getting nowhere.
Me: Oh for the love of-
Korine: Erm, am I in the wrong interview?
Me: Yes, please get out.
Korine: Oh sorry...
Jareth: Let's go, stupid.
Me: Ken, why did you act like a girl when you found Will's letter?
Ken: I did not act like a girl!
Polly: You did.
Ken: Well, Will's my best friend and of course I want to know what's going on! We're buddies aren't we?
Jeff: *snort*
Me: Okay, here's the deal. If you guys give me a proper interview, I'll give you guys milk and cookies. Plus the attention of fans.
Everyone: Fine.
Me: Polly, how did you feel when you became involve with...the little incident?
Polly: Well, at first it's kinda depressing because I couldn't go to the mall without Will and Fleur stalking me all the way. They aren't really good at it, honestly. And getting that cut on my arm was really bad because I couldn't even wear my normal clothes which suck a lot! Oh and I was constantly worried someone would jump on me any second. So basically it suck big time.
Me: See? Polly could give a proper answer so I expect all of you to do so.
Everyone: Aw!
Me: Will! How did you felt when Fleur met your cousin for the first time?
Will: Flower isn't the smartest person in the world. So when Lancy appeared that night I didn't actually care what happens to her. But now I guess I care a little since she's my friend. But if you put two of us in a room and one of us needs to be killed, please kill Flower.
Fleur: Hey!
Me: Quiet! What an...interesting answer, Will. Thank you.
Jeff: I need to go on a date, bye guys. *leaves room*
Fleur: Jerk of a player.
Me: I agree. Alright, it's time to say goodbye. Say something to the fans before I punch your lights out.
Fleur: Bye! Will loves you and he always would...maybe.
Will: Bye. If you see my cousin, tell him to get lost. :)
Polly: Will and Fleur really need to get their feelings straight out.
Ken: Everyone thinks I'm hot.
Everyone: No we don't.

100 Days [Part 1&2]
JugendliteraturThe sequel to Ms Nerd and Mr Jock. This is Fleur's story. She's a stubborn, butt-kicking, girl. When Sally and Bill Cross goes for a business trip, Fleur was asked to babysit Will, Sally and Bill's only son. But Will turns out to be a hot, smart, I...