It had been three days since we told Ken about the situation. I expected him to freak out or maybe even threaten to call the police if we didn't, but surprisingly he just remained calm and slowly processed what we said. But the annoying part was he wouldn't stop asking each of us about Lance. Honestly, I hadn't had a clue about him, I haven't heard from Lance for quite a long time too. Usually he would just pop out when we're having fun and try to kill us.
We were in the cafeteria during lunch time at our usual table. Polly hadn't arrive yet so it was just me and the guys. Over the past few days I got my strength back so I could dump the wheelchair. It was getting too much of people's attention and I don't do well with that.
"Have you seen Polly? I didn't since I left my class." Ken spoke up.
As if right on cue, someone tackled me from the side making me bump my head against Will's jaw. "Ow!" I rubbed my forehead which hurts most. Polly sent me an apologetic look and turned to fumbled with her pocket. Then she took out a piece of paper which said 'School Trip' on it. Apprently the next school trip would be on a farm. The last school trip we went was at the museum and it was horrible. Some kid got lost and we had to cancel it to find that kid. Hopefully this year's would be better.
"School trip, huh?" Jeff raised an eyebrow lazily.
You know, if girls hadn't hang out with him, they would think he's fun and active. Surprisingly, he was lazy as hell. Back at my place, the only thing he would do when he wasn't laying lazily in the sitting room would be playing Mario Cart with my brother, Frank. How did he manage to stay fit anyways?!
"I'm gonna skip." Ken shook his head. I still remembered Ken's little incident on the last school trip. Somebody spilled milkshake all over his pants so it looked like he wet himself. The tourists there saw what happened and laughed at him.
"Come on, Ken. I'm going!" Polly whined. I smirked, because Ken instantly gave in. I sensed someone is interested in Polly!
Will nudged me by the side and I turned to scowl at him. "What?"
"I should be asking you that. Why are you grinning like a crazy woman?"
"Nothing." I stuck out my tongue and giggled. Giggle. Giggle? Oh my gosh what has Polly turn me into? I looked at her in horror but she returned me with a curious look. Oh right, she didn't know what I was thinking.
"Is Fleur alright? She's kinda weird today." Weird? I glared at Jeff who looked unfazed. In fact, he wiped peanut butter on my nose and let out a bark of laughter.
"Jeff?" I made a wry smile.
"Yes, sugar?"
"You look cuter with whip cream." I wiped the cream accross his forehead and grinned like a innocent girl I was. The others smirked as he stood up and went to get a napkin or something to wipe away the cream.
"So are we all going for the school trip?" Will stretched and patted my head in the process. Ken, Polly and I responded with a yes. At the same time the bell rang and I dumped my tray and dashed off to my next class with Will on my trail.
* * *
"For goodness sake, Fleur hurry up!" Polly shouted for the fifth time, I think. We only had three hours to get to the farm and I desperately need to find my camera before leaving the place. We were going to go by Polly's car since none of us wanted to in a bus filled with teenagers.
Someone cleared their throat and immediately I turned to my bedroom door. Frank was standing there with my camera in his hand. "Thanks, Frank." I took the camera and gave him a quick hug before dashing to Polly's car hoping she would stop shouting and wake up the neighbours.
"There you are, I thought you fell into the toilet bowl or something." Ken turned around from the front seat and raised an eyebrow at me. I kicked his chair and let myself fall back between the two boys. Jeff, was on my left, sleeping. That boy sure is lazy. Will on the other hand was playing the games on his phone which meant the car ride would be a silent boring one.
* * *
"Yo ho ho! I see treasure!" Ken shouted when the car finally came to a stop. I managed to wake up from my little nap once Polly almost slam her car against a tree while she parked. Also, I found myself in Will's spot while he was in the middle. Jeff was pressed up against him and the both of them looked so cute while they sleep! I couldn't risk the chance of not seeing this again! I fumbled with my camera and took a shot once and giggled.
Will would kill me if he knew I took a picture of him. I quickly got out of the car and went to find Polly. We had to stay in the extra barn in the farm for our school trip. For the unlucky ones, the would have to sleep outside under the stars. So I guess it was a good thing we came here before the bus does.
"Ken, would you help me carry those?" I nodded at the sleeping bags.
"Sure." he responded, carrying the sleeping bags over his shoulder and went to find places for the five of us.
"Where's Will?" I asked, once we were done arranging our things. At the same time, the other students arrived and they did the same thing as we did. Ms Johnson saw us and waved a hello.
"Will and Jeff are in the car. I have to say, it's a really adorable sight." Ken smirked, pointing at my camera which hung around my neck. "I saw you taking a picture. Don't let Will catch you."
"Don't let me catch who?" I struggled to keep a straight face. If Will saw me smirking, he would ask what's up. "What were you two talking about?"
"Err, I think I hear Polly calling me..Bye, Fleur!" he was about to turn and run but Will grabbed his collar and yanked him back.
Suddenly I felt a warm breath on my neck, moving up till it was close to my ear. "You know, if you're planning on taking a picture of me next time, don't use the flash." Instantly my eyes snapped to my camera. How could I forget to turn off the flash? I slapped myself.
"Haha! You're cute!" he messed up my hair and went away. Cute? Now if random boys called me cute I would have ignore it but coming from Will, that's different. He must be teasing me. I ignored it and went to find Polly.
* * *
"There would a single chore for each and everyone of you. Refer to the scedule." Mr Adams announced in a lazy tone. All of us knew that all the teachers didn't want anything to do with the school trip because they preferred to stay at home and watch TV. Even the female teachers played with their electronical devices that they confisticated from the students earlier. That wasn't fair, what were we going to do when we're bored?
"It's better than having to deal with Lancelot." Polly rolled her eyes. That was true, I would prefer to be bored and staying on a farm than dealing with Lance. I wonder if Aunty Isabel and Uncle Leon thought of something. The both of them were the ones who would have ideas most of the time.
Then a question pop into my mind. Would Lance know that my parents know about him and his mother? If Avery knew Dad found out about her then surely Lance knew about my Dad? What if Avery told Lance to kill my mom? Oh my god...

100 Days [Part 1&2]
Teen FictionThe sequel to Ms Nerd and Mr Jock. This is Fleur's story. She's a stubborn, butt-kicking, girl. When Sally and Bill Cross goes for a business trip, Fleur was asked to babysit Will, Sally and Bill's only son. But Will turns out to be a hot, smart, I...