Chapter 20

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Guys! Please don't forget Ken in the story! He plays an important role too! And if you're wondering why did I put Jeff in the story too, well, you'll see why later in the story. :D BTW, if you wanna read about Celia and Cameron's story, it's called Ms nerd and Mr Jock in my works. Check it out if you love them. 


Chapter 20~

"Tell me why am I going to school again?" I asked Will who was pushing my wheelchair. The only reason this girl was in a wheelchair was because my legs were still too weak to even walk. Not making excuses here but imagine yourself in a room which gets blown up all of a sudden and you fall on the ground with something heavy collasping on top of your legs. Yeah, that hurts big time. 

          "Because Flower, we have to make sure Ken doesn't get too suspicious. Now, do you remember what's your excuse if anyone asks you what happened to you?" 

          Oh how could I forget? Polly made me recite it almost a thousand times before she was satisfied with my expression and tone. She said when I lie, I touch my nose? That was so not true, I would have realized that. 

          I rolled my eyes and played with my fingers. I still remembered what happened this morning when I was showering and all of a sudden Will came in. But of course with my 'ninja skills' I managed to wrap the towel around me before Will see anything. Polly dragged him out after I let out a piercing scream. I wonder if my neighbours heard it, oh wait! I didn't have any neighbours. 

"I fell down the stairs and landed on my wrist." I responded to Will's question while looking over my shoulder. Seriously, I have to stop being paranoid. Avery wouldn't dare strike while I was in school. 

More eye-rolling.

          From afar, I could see Ken waiting at the entrance, his eyes widened when he saw my wheelchair. Before I could count to ten, he was already in front of me, his hands cupping my shoulders. "Fleur Michelle Tyler. What happened to you?" 

Ah, the first person to ask the question had arrived. 

"I fell down the stairs and landed on my wrist." I raised my wounded hand and showed Ken. He furrowed his brows and crossed his arms while looking at me skeptically. 

"I thought you would make up a better lie than that, Fleur." his eyes narrowed and me made 'tsk tsk' sounds. 

What did he meant by lie? Did he knew what really happened? 

"If you fell down the stairs, more bones would have broken." 

The bell rang before I was forced to tell Ken what happened. For the first time ever, I thanked the bell. Ken sighed and gave me the we'll-talk-later look. Will apparently didn't caught Ken's look because he whispered to me, "At least he won't ask anything else." 

Lunch rolled around quickly and luckily Will was in the same classes as me so he helped me to the cafeteria where Polly, Jeff and Ken were sitting. 

"The love birds have arrive!" Ken stuck out his tongue. 

"Oh! Are you talking about you and Polly?" Will whacked the back of Ken's head playfully and sat down next to Jeff. It was weird and comfortable at the same time because for the past few years, Ken and I had been enemies and Jeff was never really close to me. But here we were all sitting around chatting like we've known each other for years. 

          "So Will, you dropped something." Ken's smile vanished and looked serious at Will. He fumbled his pockets a bit before taking out a piece of old paper. It looked familiar! When had I seen that paper? 

          "Let me read it out loud. Dear Tylers, I expect this letter to be attached on the boy's body. Dead or alive, I don't care. I have your daughter, she's alive. Don't worry, much. I think you know who I am, Cameron. Or should I say, Cammy? Whatever that Celiana called you. As I was saying, I have your daughter. Who wrote this, Will? What are you guys not telling me? I heard from Korine, the blonde student, that the four of you were staying at Will's place. What secret are you guys not telling me?" 

Korine? Korine was a student in our school, she never really talked to anyone because she was always busy handling Prince Jareth and the other princes that for some unknown reason studied in our school. She never really talked to us so how did she know about the four of us living together? Were we the latest gossip in our school? Hope not. 

"Ken, listen-" 

"No, you listen Will. We've been friends even when I hated Fleur. So tell me what's wrong because I thought we're best friends!" 

"Ken, if we tell you, you would be in danger. Do you want to be in danger? Polly already suffered from a knife and Jeff here got punched while Flower almost got killed. Do you want to be in danger like the four of us?" Will was angry, his fist clenched. 

"You're my best friend. If you guys are in trouble, I want in." he passed the paper to me and I quickly stuffed it in my pocket. 

"Fine. If that's what you want-"

"It is." 

"Then come by the Tyler's family mansion after school. We'll fill you in." he looked down at his lap. I even heard him muttered, "Leon is weird." 

* * * 

Before school ended, I went to find Korine. I needed to know how she knew about Polly and Jeff staying with Will and I previously. 

Korine was at her lockers and Jareth was busy flirting with her. But that didn't stop me. When I came close, Jareth backed off and I stared at Korine. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail and she was wearing the school uniform. Right, no one actually wears it anymore. The teachers don't even bother caring what the students wear. 

Our school wasn't bad, but we didn't actually care about the uniforms anymore. I wonder why she was still wearing them. 



"How did you know about Polly, Jeff and I staying at Will's place?" 

"Liv told everyone. Some guy named Larry or something told her." Lance. Should have known. He wanted Ken to be involved too? Why?

"Thanks Korine." I nodded my thanks to her and she smiled before walking away leaving me with lots of question running through my head. 


Mwahahaha! Check out my story 'White Rose'! It's actually one of my fave story to write so far so you could just go to my works to read it.

At the mean time, check out other stories too! :D



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